Be My Mistake (24.2)

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The next thing Matty knows is his bedroom door slamming open and banging against the wall and you seething in the doorway giving it a death stare. Thankfully, you're walking back into his room and not leaving it, but it makes Matty smile when he sees that you've clearly had a shower and you're now dressed in joggers and one of his old hoodies.

Not only that though, you're carrying a tray full of food in your hand which makes Matty chuckle. He watches as the frown disappears from your face when you glance back to him in bed. You smile brightly after you apologise about the door and say, "Good morning."

"Morning," Your curly haired brunette smiles before sitting himself up and pulling the sheet up the bed to cover him as you come to sit beside him. As you rest the tray down between you, Matty asks in jest, "Shouldn't it be me making you breakfast?"

You smile at that but you shake your head, "You don't sleep well so I thought I'd let you rest... Besides, you looked pretty conked out."

Matty chuckles at that before he notices that you've practically made him a full English, whilst you've only made yourself a bowl of Frosties. He's got no doubt you'll pinch a piece of toast though and dip it in the yolk of his fried egg.

"How long have you been up?" He asks as you pick your bowl up.

It must have been a while considering your hair is almost dry which must take ages considering how long it still is. It always used to anyway.

"Few hours." You just about get out through a mouthful of Frosties.

Matty goes to apologise then, "Sorry, I-" but you interrupt him.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for." You say as you shake your head before adding as you nod down to his breakfast, "If anything, please consider this my sorry to you."

"What for?" Matty frowns.

You explain after you swallow your next mouthful of cereal, "Sorry I just came and basically jumped you last night.

"That's quite alright." Matty laughs a little, shaking his head at you which makes you laugh too.

The both of you tuck into your food and it's no surprise after your activities last night that you wolf it all down. Matty was correct in assuming that you'd pinch a piece of toast after you finished your cereal and he made sure to save the yolk of his egg for you.

After Matty went to the bathroom to freshen himself up, he dressed himself in a pair of joggers that match the ones you're wearing before he gets back in bed beside you.

You've both got very big grins on your faces partly because you're back in each other's company in the most casual way it could be between you and also because of last night. You can't really explain how you feel about last night but you know that you'd never regret it.

It wasn't a mistake at all. You let yourself feel everything you've wanted to for the first time in a long time and you'll never regret that. You'll never regret him.

The both of you just lie on your sides facing each other, getting cosy again now. You both grin at each other for a while and Matty starts playing with the ends of your hair like he always used to.

"So..." You trail off, breaking the silence before you press your lips together.

Matty repeats, "So?"

You address one of the many elephants in the room, "My mum slapped you?"

"Yeah." Matty nods, smiling at the smile that comes to your face when he adds, "Big time."

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