Heart Out (5.3)

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Make sure you read 5.2 first x

~*~*~*~ 2006 ~*~*~*~

"Hey Hann, is Wheels back yet?" Matty shouts from the front door.

"I'm in here Curly," You shout and Matty can practically hear your smile.

Matty greets you with a big smile when he rounds the corner into the lounge, "Well hello Darling."

"How's it going Curl-" You pause and your jaw hangs open slightly as you look at his hair.

He'd gelled it back out of his face, and he also had his glasses on that you hadn't seen him in before. You're too focused on his hair though to tell him they suited him.

"What the fuck have you done to your hair?" You ask him as he takes the seat just beside you.

"It's gelled back," Matty laughs a little before he throws an arm around the back of the settee so he can face you and Adam without strain on his neck.

You look confused when you ask, "Why?"

"Because I felt like it," Matty smiles cheekily, loving the attention you were giving him.

"I want the curls back."

"We don't always get what we want Darling," Matty says before he starts a conversation with Adam about something to do with the band.

Matty notes that you're just listening into their conversation about an upcoming gig at a local pub and you seem interested as you look back and forth between him and Adam. That is until a flare of anger comes when you hear Matty say, "Yeah we can do this one because they have already put posters out and then afterwards we can announce the new name."

"Wait, you changed the band name again?" You can't help but ask and you look fuming about it.

Both boys look at you then and nod. Matty is the one who verbally replies, "Yeah."

"Did you not think about telling be that before I filled a fucking notebook full of different logo's for Talk House?" You furrow your eyebrows at him.

He could see that you were really quite annoyed by this. Something which if Adam would allow him to have your number he would have told you, but considering he wasn't allowed he didn't.

Matty shoots back, "Don't give me that look Princess. I'm not the one related to you and talks to you all the time. You think I'm allowed to text you?"

You seemed to agree that Matty had made a good point as your head whipped around to Adam and gave him the dirty look instead. Adam then just mumbled some sort of apology and said that he, "Thought you'd appreciate it more if all my mates didn't have your number. "

Matty watched the argument trying to hold in his laughter as you fought your corner saying that it could have saved you a lot of time and energy by him or any of the band simply texting you to tell you of the name change. Matty could tell you were fuming with him but you were also trying not to argue with your cousin the first day you arrived back.

After all, the last time you'd seen him was at Adam's 18th birthday party and you didn't want to start off the summer on a negative after such a positive last time.

"What's the new name then?" You ask Matty, evidently not wanting to look at or talk to your cousin at the moment.

"Big Sleep," Matty informs you and he can see that you're thinking over the name in your head.

It takes you a few seconds, but then you seem to be okay with the new decision. Granted after this many name changes you probably weren't going to be holding out much hope for it to stay the same, but for now the name seemed to appease you.

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