Only Ones Who Know (1.2)

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You giggle at that a bit, "Maybe you should try and find out."

Alex smiles at you then knowing exactly what you're trying to initiate. He then abandons the stapled papers to the floor just beside the bed before he twists towards you.

Both of your hearts are thudding in your chests as your faces get closer to each other. You're just glad that you know if nothing else comes of tonight, you'll be pulling a boy in your room which hadn't happened before.

When your lips met for the second time, there was still a little bit of hesitation between you. It was all the other factors that you didn't have to worry about outside because Alex had just pulled you.

You don't know where to put your hands and you don't think Alex does either. You feel weird just keeping them on your lap so after a second you just bring one up to cup Alex's jaw.

Something which causes the both of you to settle into it. Alex turns to you more, a hand coming to rest on your thigh and a new eagerness of kisses.

It isn't long before tongue is introduced and it's at that point excitement takes over the both of you. It's like some ancient impulse is controlling you now.

When you try to get the both of you onto your bed a bit more, Alex is just as eager to get things moving a little faster. His knee ends up between your legs to prop himself up once he's slowly guided you to lie down on your bed.

You can feel the temperature in your room rise slowly. Especially when Alex starts trailing his kisses down your neck and to the top of your chest.

Tonight, you'd gone out in black jeans and a red v-neck top which shows off a little cleavage that Alex seems interested to get too. Your thoughts are definitely confirmed when he asks if he can touch you.

You're pulling on his brown locks when he starts kissing and sucking on a few different spots at the top of your breasts. The sensation is completely new to you, it makes you want him to kiss them properly, not just the top of them that was currently on show.

After what feels like a while of this new found torture that you'd love to take part in more often, you're feeling really warm. And you're practically panting with little whines leaving your lips every few seconds when Alex finds a new place to run his hands.

When Alex kisses your lips again, you're more worked up than you first realised. So you didn't really know you'd gone from pulling on his hair to pulling on his blue polo top, evidentially wanting the material off him.

Alex parts from your lips, understanding what you're getting at, and he pulls the top from over his head. When his lips reconnect with yours, you find that your hands don't really stick to one area anymore.

You feel all that you can of his exposed skin; You just want him closer to you and it seems like the less clothes the better. Something which Alex must have been thinking too because not a minute later you feel his thumbs trail under your top and he runs his hands up your side, which causes your top to come up.

Even with a hazy mind from all the kisses, you obviously understand that you need to sit up to allow him to get your top off. Something which you try to do whilst kissing him but you just ended up clashing teeth instead.

Thankfully, Alex pulls away for a second to allow you enough room to sit up and remove the restricting material. Alex helps you accomplish your task before he throws your top to the other side of the room.

You giggle at his eagerness to get it as far away from you as possible and he smiles down at your laugh. Seeing his grin makes you want his lips back on your own though, so you use both of your hands to cup around his neck to bring him back down toward your lips.

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