Despair In The Departure Lounge (4.1)

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A/N: Hey Besties! Remember when we said this series was going to be a rollercoaster? Well, here we go...


"Y/N," You heard your Aunt shout you from the other side of your bedroom door.

You were glad you were now not having to share with Adam anymore. You were in with him longer than either of you expected but moving into the spare room once the decorating had finished was like a breath of fresh air.

You loved your cousin, but that didn't mean that you wanted to share a room with him.

"Yeah?" You ask, abandoning your phone for a moment.

Alex could wait. He'd been teasing you for the past three and a half weeks nonstop and you were running out of credit to text him back with. 

"Will you come clothes shopping with me, please?" Your auntie asks you as she opens the door.

She was looking at you with so much hope in her eyes, you couldn't have said no even if you wanted to.

"Yeah of course," You smile brightly.

"Amazing, do you want to go now?"

You nod and get yourself up off the bed, "Yeah, I'll just grab my stuff and I'll be right down."

"Okay I'll wait downstairs for you," She smiles and you were really excited for a little outing with one of your favourite members of your family.

Your Aunt had always been like your Mum. You'd never been more thankful to have someone in your life.

You had always thought she was really cool, whether that be because she let you get away with more than your Mum did, or whether it was because she had elite taste in music, you weren't too sure. You were just thrilled to be related to her and she'd given you a cousin who you got on so well with and had amazing summers with as well.

She ended up taking you to the Trafford Centre, any shoppers dream. There was an abundance of shops to choose from and if you were after something you would most definitely find it.

You wanted to get yourself some new shoes so you were really glad that you had brought your birthday money with you. Adam had suggested you get some high tops to help you out with your skating.

Apparently you had weak ankles and the high tops would help with that. You were a bit apprehensive, not knowing if you would like the style of them much.

That was until you realised that they were literally just normal shoes. No worse than you wearing your Dr Martens, but in these you could actually skate.

You really liked the look of them and ended up getting yourself black and white Vans. They were definitely going to be better than you learning to skate in your cheap shitty pumps that were almost falling apart after you battered them the past few weeks.

You didn't think you'd find anything else you wanted to buy so you asked your Aunt if you could go and put some credit on your phone. You were running dangerously low for the month and you needed to top it up.

Who knew that speaking to a guy would cost you this much money?

But were you going to keep doing it? Absolutely.

Your Aunt was wanting to buy herself some new clothes for the upcoming colder months of the year and apparently she appreciated your taste in clothes. You had no idea why because all you ever wore were your skinny jeans and random band tops.

You were in a shop currently and your Aunt had just pointed out a cute oversized blue denim jacket that she thought would look good on you. Once you'd slipped it on and it fit you, she said you had to get it. Thankfully you had enough money left for the jacket too, but then your auntie got a little carried away and started putting together a full outfit for you.

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