Head.Cars.Bending (12.5)

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Make sure you read 12.4 first x


The next day without Charlie was a little weird, but your other nurse was just as nice with you. Adam brought the sisters back to see you and whilst you liked having them there a breath of relief when Alex walked through the doors a few hours later.

And that wasn't just because he brought you crisps and chocolate.

After you said bye to your Mum and Aunt you made Adam hang back for a minute to ask him about Matty. Upon hearing that he still hadn't heard anything, you got a little upset.

You just wanted to know that he was okay. Even if he didn't come and see you, you just needed to know he was okay.

Adam and Alex calmed you down and stopped you from crying. Alex was thankful it was nowhere near as bad as the first time you woke up and within five minutes you were sort okay.

After Adam had gone Alex kept your mood up and you were making him play you the songs off the new album. The first listen through you couldn't get the smile off your face, because it was so amazing what you were hearing.

You'd of course heard R U Mine? and Do I Wanna Know? at Glastonbury a few weeks ago, but hearing the rest follow on was really good. When Arabella came on you made Alex go bright red for teasing him about writing a song about Arielle and he didn't grace you with a response on that.

You let the teasing go afterwards and you fell in love with the story of No. 1 Party Anthem for a reason you didn't know. You think that maybe because you could picture a story like that in your mind so well.

And you absolutely loved it when Alex sang slower songs.

Mad Sounds was a close second. But you all but died when you heard I Wanna Be Yours.

Alex didn't tell you what it was called before it started playing but when you heard him sing, "I wanna be your vacuum cleaner," your eyes went wide.

You'd recognise a John Cooper Clarke quote from anywhere.

Especially that poem.

Afterwards Alex told you about him sitting down with the poet and asking him if he could put a tune to the song. You loved everything to do with that poet and that poem took you back ten years to when you and Alex made your secret.

You'd spoken about the poem many times over the years so you were sure this song had nothing to do with that night. But you liked that you had the happy memory associated with it too.

You listened to the album twice through and afterwards you both got to talking about how recording with the lads was. In the middle of that you were interrupted by your nurse coming to do the checks on you when Alex started talking about how he hated the stand-in name they sort of had.

Before you got a chance to ask him to remind you what it was your nurse came in but that was okay. As she was checking all your vitals and everything to make sure you were okay, you just observe her and make friendly conversation.

When she comes to the heart monitor that's on the opposite side of the bed to Alex, you can't help but have a glance at it yourself. The constant beeping had apparently been silenced the first night you were in but they kept it on you just for monitoring.

And whilst she did the last of her checks on that, you became transfixed yourself. Even when she finished and hung your notes back to the end of your bed, you only spared her a small glance whilst you said your thanks to her.

But all you did for a minute after, whilst you could hear Alex texting away, was watch the lines run up and down the screen. It maintained a steady beat and for some unknown reason the beat of Do I Wanna Know? played along to it in your mind and it fit.

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