Heart Out (5.1)

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A/N: Hey Besties, hope you've had a great week! Really excited to share this chapter with you all, it's definitely one of my faves and riddled with lyrics. Lil note: pay attention to the years in this part :) Really hope you enjoy x

~*~*~*~ 2004 ~*~*~*~

Matty's 15th birthday passed in a complete blur. He didn't care at all that he was 15 on the 8th of April, the only date he cared about this year was June 25th.

Your 18th birthday. And the birthday party that you'd invited them all too.

You'd invited them when you were last on a Skype call with them and your Aunt and Uncle had agreed to bring them all over for the party. Matty couldn't contain his excitement very well when you invited him over the call.

Matty was a little embarrassed for saying yes so quickly but he quickly brushed it off with a little joke. But inside his head Matty was Mr Serotonin Man.

He'd never been more overjoyed to be invited somewhere in his life. He couldn't wait to see you again.

Over the past year he'd missed you more than he'd ever let on. Matty always thought back to the summer he shared with you, teaching you how to skate, talking about the band and he missed speaking to someone who had a genuine interest in it.

Everything about you, he missed. And yeah that was probably really weird to admit out loud, so he never did.

Not to George, not to Ross and most definitely not to Adam. Matty was sure that Adam would try and disown him because he was still very touchy about the jokes about Matty actually fancying you.

So it was needless to point out, despite everyone being able to see it on Matty's face, that he was excited to be going to your 18th birthday party.

You were just the most beautiful and stunning girl Matty thought he'd ever seen. Whether that was because you didn't have a top on when you both met, or just the fact your sense of humour was the same, or because your personalities matched so well, Matty wasn't too sure.

The only thing Matty knew for certain was that he couldn't wait to see you in person again.

Yes, Matty knew that you were coming up for summer again. But he felt that he was cheating the system a little bit by going over to see you early.

But he would cheat at every single game he could if it meant getting to see you again.

The drive from Wilmslow over to High Green was a very impatient one for Matty. Especially since they'd all have to set off later than initially planned, and because Adam's parents needed to get petrol, and they needed to find which route on the Sat Nav was fastest.

Matty would have planned that out the previous day if he was driving, but Matty thought that he'd end up memorising the way to Sheffield and back if anything ever started between you. But that was Matty getting way too ahead of himself.

In total, the drive over took 1 hour and 34 minutes. Which wasn't too bad but it was the fact that they were arriving 1 hour and 12 minutes after you'd asked everyone to get to your party that drove Matty up the wall.

That was 72 minutes less in your presence and that didn't sit right with him at all. Matty was itching to get out of the car when they all finally reached the venue and he had to stop himself from abandoning the Hann clan and wait patiently for everyone to get out and to grab the presents before they headed inside.

When they walked into the function room the first thing that hit them all was the music. It was pretty loud but thankfully everyone could chat still over it.

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