Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High (17.1)

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A/N: Hey, hope you're all doing okay! And I really hope you enjoy this part. On Monday I'm going to be posting a new Alex short story so if you want to check that out at all, you know where to find me. But for now, really hope you enjoy this chapter x


Alex Turner, your best friend, really is the best person on the planet. You truly don't know anyone better.

That day on the beach, he made you feel so safe and he did everything to cheer you up afterwards. Once he felt assured enough that you were okay, he ended up swimming back alone just to grab his black top to bring back out to you so you didn't have to swim back and feel insecure around the other lads.

You made him promise before the both of you went back that he would not tell Breana that you were upset, and you were thankful when he agreed. She didn't do it on purpose, she just wanted to bring you out of your shell and she wanted to do it in a playful way that a year ago you would have been all up for.

She didn't know how bad your mental health had been recently, regardless of what the other boys had said. The only ones who knew the extent of everything were Alex and Y/B/F - and even then you and Alex hadn't been addressing your flirting and kissing.

It didn't feel like it was needed though, because you knew you weren't going to go beyond that. Not on tour, anyway. Over your dead body would you ever have sex with anyone on a tour bus ever again.

You didn't shy away from telling Y/B/F about what had been conspiring between you and Alex this time, though. She had seen another picture of the two of you in an article, as everyone apparently did, where you were kissing Alex.

And yeah, you were kissing him in the picture, but you were past caring what other people thought of you now. You were taking happiness wherever you could find it, and right now, happiness was with Alex.

Whether he was kissing you, cuddling you, holding your hand, or simply smiling at you from across the room. He made you happy, so you would not be changing that on account of anyone.

Even if he was a little protective at times.

Like today, you and Alex had both been out exploring San Diego by yourselves as they have a day free before their gig tomorrow night. You'd had a two week spell of constant moving on the bus since the last day off at the beach, as they had a series of shows in South America with a gig almost every day.

So, this day off was really nice. But the both of you had just got back to the bus to see your friends getting high in the front lounge. You'd just climbed the stairs of the bus and stopped when you reached the top. You see the rest of the lads and Breana sitting around with alcohol, and the pull out coffee table is in the centre of the room. It's clear to see that there's a fairly large bag of coke on there, with several lines already cut and ready to be taken.

"Well, looks like you've all been having a fun evening." You say as you walk down the bus and around the table to head through to the bunks.

You can feel Alex following behind you pretty close, so you can't really stop and chat to the others like you want to. Matt does however make a comment, "Well, we thought you two went and eloped, you've been gone that long."

"That's happening in Vegas, baby" You joke with a grin plastered on your face. You then try to turn back, but Alex is right behind you, shuffling you forward and you see him shaking his head at Matt.

You assume it's about his joke, so you pay no mind to it as you continue through the door to the bunks. Alex follows you down the hall, shutting the door behind him, and both of you move to your bunks that are closer to the back of the bus. After you crouch down and abandon your bags in your bunk to sort out later, you stand back up and go to head back to the others.

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