How To Draw / Petrichor (19.3)

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Make sure you read 19.2 first x

~*~*~*~ 17th July 2015 ~*~*~*~

"Y/N!" Adam calls as he walks into the gallery.

Your show is yet to start, but your cousin always has a tendency to be early. You walk over into the main gallery hall, the two of you meeting in the center of the room. "Everything looks great." He grins as you hug him close.

"Thank you." You chuckle as you two part after giving him a tight squeeze. "And thank you for making the trip here, it means a lot."

"Course." Your cousin nods before nudging your shoulder. "Show me around then, Miss My-First-Gallery."

A laugh escapes your lips then, the joke coming from when you called him earlier this year to make sure he was free for it.

He was the only one of the boys you invited here today as you know it's not really Ross' scene and whilst you would love to stare at George all afternoon, you know he'd more than likely walk in with a spliff in hand. And you're still not on good terms with Matty.

You exchange Christmas and birthday texts and presents but you've not seen him due to multiple reasons for a long time.

"Yeah, the box series is over this way." You smiled and led him to the gallery wall of your pieces that inspired the symbol for the band.

"Your new boyfriend coming tonight?" He asked as you two wandered around the gallery.

"Yeah, he is." You nod, a big smile taking over your features. "Brandon's been really supportive with all this."

Adam smiles at that news and then curiously asks, "Alex coming?" and he's surprised when you shake your head with a sad smile. He asks, "You two alright?"

"Oh, yeah. He's just... Y'know, rockstar shit. He's busy recording." You reply honestly.

You'd seen him on your birthday which was a lovely surprise but he had to fly back to LA after a week. Everything's normal between you again now, as if 2014 didn't happen at all.

And you're happy with that. You're just excited that you're in the midst of planning a trip to see him and Miles soon.

"Oh! I did this portrait of our Mums, by the way..." You change the subject and move over to the portrait of your Mum and Aunt when they were younger. Adam follows and smiles as you two look over the painting.

It wasn't quite as finished as you wanted it to be, but since the accident you hadn't wanted to add to any previous work for fear of ruining it. It was only a few little details that were missing anyway. Anyone who didn't have the photo to look at wouldn't know the difference.

"Proud of you, B." He nudges you with a big grin on his face as he looks around the room. He's bursting with pride, "You've been talking about a gallery show of your own for ages and it's finally here."

You chuckle, nodding and pulling him into another hug, "Thanks, Adam."

"Y/L/N." The gallery owner calls for you as she rounds the corner. "We're opening doors in about ten minutes."

"Thank you." You smile and take a deep breath, she nods back to you before walking away. "I hope a lot of these sell." You confide in your cousin and he squeezes your shoulders reassuringly.

"They will, Y/N/N." Adam grins, still completely in awe of your talent.


A couple hours into the show, you're standing with Brandon and Adam and they're chatting to you in your brief moment of peace. People have been coming over to chat with you all evening after the owner keeps pointing you out to them.

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