Settle For A Draw (22.3)

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George takes you up to your room and he gently puts you down on your bed before sitting beside you. He leans down to you and gives you the biggest hug which you really appreciate as you try and stop crying.

"I'll get Adam to bring you some water, yeah?" George asks as he strokes your head softly.

"Okay." You nod, "Thank you."

"Love you lots Baby, chin up okay." Your drummer smiles before kissing your cheek.

Sniffling, you smile, "Love you more Babe."

"Impossible." He grins at you before blowing you a kiss and disappearing.

You get yourself changed into your pyjamas in the time between George leaving and Adam coming in to see you with a glass of water.

"Adam, I love you. You're my favourite of all these boys, you know that... And I'm sorry I'm the most problematic cousin in the entire world." You hug him after he puts your drink down and sits beside you on his spare bed. "I didn't ask for them two weirdos to write songs about me and make me a mess, but here I am."

"Y/N, please try and go to sleep for me." Your cousin tries to coo, looking very tired himself and you note the worry in his eyes, "You've had a lot to drink"

You get all choked up again and tears brim your eyes as you say, "I'm sorry Adam."

"Don't cry." He tells you,

"No, I'm really sorry and want you to know that." You explain sincerely and your tears start falling again as you say, "I must make your life a living hell and I'm truly so sorry."

Whilst he doesn't need your apology, he can see that this is a lot more than it being just about you being sorry. He needs to understand because he really wants to help you.

"Tell me what's wrong?" Your cousin asks after a few minutes of hugging you again.

This time you don't hesitate to tell him. Because clearly Adam can see right through you, and you feel safe enough to tell him and you know it'll stay between you two.

"I just feel really alone." You explain as you try to hold back your tears.

You can't even look at your cousin when you repeat, "I just feel so alone all the time."

Adam listens to you and holds your hand as you sniffle the rest of your explanation, "Despite having everything I could ever want out of friendships and everything else. I still feel completely and utterly alone."

You don't know whether it's because in your heart you know that you're destined to be with one of those two boys. And if that's the case then you know you feel like this because at the moment you don't want to be with either of them.

But that doesn't mean you don't want the relationship thing at all. You want someone to confide in. You want a connection. You want kisses. You want love.

But you couldn't handle it right now if it was with either of them. So you're alone.

"You're never alone Y/N." Adam tells you softly, his own heart hurting for yours as he holds your hand tightly. "You've always got me, you've always got Y/B/F. You've always got all of them downstairs that you know will be there for you at the drop of a hat if you ever need them."

You nod, tears still falling down your face as you try and swallow what feels like a ball in your throat. You just want to cry some more when Adam reminds you, "And you remember that both of them idiots were your good friends before they were anything more. They care just as much as me and Y/B/F."

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