Somebody Else (18.3)

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Make sure you read 18.2 first x

~*~*~*~ 23rd August 2014 ~*~*~*~

"Ad!" You yell as you run across the backstage section of the fields in Leeds.

"Oh my god!" Your cousin shouts as he runs towards you at full speed to get to you as fast as possible. Once you collide and wrap your arms around each other, he can't help but say, "I've missed you so much, B." as he gives you the tightest hug.

"I've missed you more, bro. It's been so long!" You say as you bury your face into his chest.

You'd almost forgot how tall he was after being away from him for so long. You've missed your cousin so fucking much, it feels so good to be trapped in one of his hugs again.

"I know, I know." Adam says as he hugs you, "Need to coordinate next time, can't go almost six months without seeing you properly."

Chuckling, you agree, "Never again."

It would have been longer as well if you didn't have this blessing of a crossover on both your schedules. Leeds Fest - you'd been looking forward to this festival all year.

It felt like a homecoming show, partly because you were back in your own country and partly because you were less than an hour's drive away from High Green. God, you've really missed the British weather. You're not even mad that there's no sun and it's just overcast.

Today you dressed yourself in black skinny jeans, your chelsea boots, and an oversized burgundy jumper. The sleeves were a little long on you but you didn't really care because you sort felt the need to try and hide your scars today.

Maybe because you were back where people may know you and if you ran into someone that didn't know what happened, they may have asked questions. But also it may have been because today you're going to be surrounded by your other family and don't want to remind any of them of the accident either. But mostly it was your insecurity taking over.

You try not to think about that as you hold your cousin. You've missed him so much, you're just thankful that he's back in your presence. Whether that be in your flat or in a field in Leeds.

"Y/N!" You hear someone shout from behind Adam and when you pull out of Adam's embrace to see who it is, you see your best friend in the whole entire world running towards you.

"Y/B/F!" You scream and race over to her.

"Oh, christ," She gasps as you both run into each other, your arms going around her back and hers wrapping around your neck. "I've missed you."

As you squeeze her in a bear hug, you tell her, "Never more than I've missed you."

Both of you hug each other and start whispering how much you've missed each other as you begin to sway in the spot you collided in. You're in each other's arms for a good few minutes, your hold on each other not loosening no matter what distractions are around you. Not even when Adam tries to pull you further into their section backstage so you can see the others that were obviously too lazy to run over to see you.

Once you eventually let each other go, you, Y/B/F, and Adam start walking towards the other boys who you see are now standing up under their rather large gazebo. It's not quite as big and grand as the backstage area you just left closer to the main stage, but it was still decently sized.

Ross is the first that starts walking towards you, and you can't help but skip over to him, leaving Y/B/F for the time being. "MacDonald! Oh god, look at you."

"Hey Y/N/N." He grins down at you as he wraps you up in a hug.

"Your hair looks so good." You smile as you reach up and give it a ruffle, "It definitely looks better now it's longer with your beard."

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