Me & You Together Song (Matty's Ending)

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A/N: Hey besties! I can't believe this is it. We actually got to the end! Thank you so so so much for sticking with me whilst I got this fic out, I am truly so so happy that people are still reading almost 2 years after I posted the first part. It really is mindblowing to me. I've got a few people I need to thank, dot for helping me plan a lot of the fic and for helping write chap 8, @murderousginger and @sunsetinmyvein for editing for me. A really really big thank you is going to red___moon and -alovesreading, I genuinely don't think this fic would have ever got finished if I didn't have you two for me to mindlessly rant to about it and giving me ideas and keeping me motivated (Red also gave me the idea for the arielle stuff back on the AM tour and A gave me the idea of the whole pauline storyline so you can blame them for that loolllll love you both). To the rest of you, the ones who have been reading for a longgg time, you deserve a medal, your asks and reactions have really kept me going so thank you so so so much, and if you've recently had a binge I really hope you enjoyed the rollercoaster of a fic. NRIACC really feels like my baby and I'm never going to write a mashup of worlds like this again, so thank you all so so much for reading and enjoying it. I'll be forever grateful for the love you've shown it. Now, I've kept you waiting long enough, I really hope you enjoy Wheels and her man's happy ending. Love you lots and enjoy x

~*~*~*~ June 15th 2020 ~*~*~*~

Matty's heart felt like it was bleeding for you the night you called him upset asking if you could come and stay with him. He knew his heart always hurt when you got upset but with you crying out for him, it felt scarring.

Never had he felt such pain like it. The drive to yours felt like the longest one he'd ever done, despite this being the closest you'd ever lived to each other.

The rain didn't help his anxiety of wanting to get to you as fast as possible but thankfully the roads were mostly dead because of the late hour. When he got to your flat, he let himself in with his key and he rushed to you, finding you clutching your rabbit teddy and crying in bed.

Matty doesn't think he's ever felt you hug him as tight as you did that night. He had you in his arms settling you down for the next hour, getting you to a point where the tears would dry up so he could get some of your things together and get you to his house where you pleaded for him to take you.

Matty would find out in the days after you started staying with him that you'd been struggling with the confines of lockdown a hell of a lot more than you'd been letting on. It broke his heart that you didn't reach out sooner but he's beyond thankful you finally did because the days after he got you, he saw that spark you always have in you reignite.

The first few days of you staying with him was hard. It was clear you'd got into such a bad place due to you sleeping though most of the morning, which was really unlike you as he remembered you always having him up earlier than anyone needed to be in mornings.

Matty would also catch you living in your head a lot. You weren't being your usual chatty self and he felt like he had to pry you back out of a shell he doesnt ever think he's seen you go into.

But thankfully after about a week, he got you back to your normal and creative self and he did this by encouraging you to come out for walks with him. Ones that were filled with places Matty had planned for the both of you to explore to keep your mind ticking over and keep the both of you talking even after you got back to his house.

That evening, you were both sitting in Matty's courtyard and the small view you got of the sky as the sun was going now reminded both of you of your box paintings that were always a feature at your galleries. It was the perfect picture to paint and Matty's simple request of "Could you please paint it for me?" was one you couldn't turn down because the look on his face really did relight that creative fire.

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