Separate And Ever Deadly (15.2)

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Make sure you read 15.1 first x

~*~*~*~ April 1st 2014 ~*~*~*~

You wish that you could say that things got better after the Alexa incident, but if anything things just got a lot worse for you. If there wasn't an article about Matty, which there was every other day with a new random girl or celebrity on his arm, you and Alex were being picked apart by the media.

Apparently, you can't hold your best friend's hand without people writing new articles about the both of you, with them assuming you're his new girlfriend. You've had to stop posting pictures of him and yourself on your Instagram as their PR team is making a massive deal of the situation.

Everything got worse the day the video came out of Matty hanging out with Arielle. Because you could see how he was looking at her, you could see in his body language that he was attracted to her. And it made you feel sick.

Your blood ran cold when that came out, because it wasn't even anyone that you knew who told you. You found out from a fan who had stopped to ask for a photo with Alex and they had said to the both of you that the two of you were a better couple than Matty and Arielle.

The comment threw you completely and you were unable to stop the word 'what' from leaving your mouth. The girl then went on to say some backhanded comment about Arielle and Matty and it was then she told you about the video of your ex's circulating on Twitter.

From there on, everything blew up and out of proportion. You were obviously upset by it as you still had feelings for Matty, but when you checked how Alex was feeling about everything, you could tell he was really angry and you couldn't figure out why.

You didn't pry, as you could tell he didn't want to talk about it. But today his anger had boiled over, because of the whole situation when all of the rumours of Matty and Arielle being a thing had been confirmed.

Because a picture of them came out of them kissing each other.

For the last three weeks, there had been articles about Alex and Matty swapping girlfriends. And whilst they were vile articles, that is what it appeared to look like.

Last week you were paparazzied kissing Alex's cheek and the amount of articles that were made about the innocent gesture was astounding. You'd only done it because he'd brought you out to cheer you up again before a gig, but obviously it wasn't spun as innocent.

The only other 'evidence' people had on you and Alex was that you held his hand when you went out. Something which you tried to stop doing when all of these things were being published about you, but Alex didn't let you stop.

Alex had told you once and he would tell you again, the two of you weren't changing your friendship for anyone. Cameras present or not.

But after the picture of Matty and Arielle came out today, you'd had another breakdown and Alex was currently on the phone to Arielle. He was seething, which meant he removed himself from the bus for the phone call as Matt and the other lads calmed you down.

He's already been on the phone for five minutes and his anger has only got worse.

"No, you're a fucking hypocrite, Arielle," Alex all but shouts down the phone.

Alex doesn't give her a second to comment when he echoes her words from months previous, "What happened to 'that's what you sign up for when you get involved with a druggie'?!"

She starts rambling on about how he was just as bad, which is a fucking lie. So, it pisses him off even more until he hears Matt knock on the window on the bus and wave him back inside.

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