This House Is A Circus (2.2)

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All you're focused on is those brown eyes in front of you that hold humour within them. You smile when Alex instructs you, "Shut up and kiss me."

You chuckle a little before your lips attach themselves to his. Alex responds just as he did last night. After the first few normal kisses he then opens your mouths just enough to introduce tongue.

You weren't hesitant about the kiss at all, both completely at ease with each other. Your mouths moved together like it was second nature now.

You found that the little buzz you felt in your stomach from last night was back and you were certain that was just down to his kisses now.

You could taste the beer on his tongue just like you were certain he could taste the vodka on yours. You were far from complaining though, you loved every second.

You lean impossibly closer to him during the kiss and you can feel that his hands now run up your sides a little, just holding you the tiniest bit tighter. Much like your hands ran up from his shoulders and one now cupped his neck and the other was in his hair.

You both get a bit lost in the moment until you can hear all your friends egging you both on. Unfortunately that was the time you knew that you should probably pull away.

You prolonged it a few more blissful seconds before your friends started to joke about you both needing to get a room. You pulled away, but when you did, it wasn't the same as it was last night.

This time Alex had somehow got your bottom lip between his teeth and pulled on it for a long second until it returned to where it should be. The action caused a shiver to ripple it's way through your body, heating you up slightly.

Well, he hadn't done that last night.

Alex grinned at you because he knew from the look on your face that he'd taken you by surprise by being brave and doing that. And judging from your reaction, he could tell that you liked it.

You ran your tongue over your bottom lip before you bit it to hide your smile. Something that didn't last for long and your grin was quickly showing through.

You were stuck for words on what to say or do, due to the commotion of your friends around you cheering you both on. But when you got your wits about you again you tried to big Alex up some more.

"Yeah they aren't being polite. I'd do that again," You say to the room as you pat Alex on his shoulders before getting yourself back to your feet.

Matt and Jamie can be heard also cheering their mate on and you can see that Alex goes a little red. You give him one last smile before you look at your best friend who was sitting on the arm of the sofa.

"Jäger time," You grin at her.

The girls around the circle all look at you then, most of them asking if they could have one. You start counting how many jägers people want but then someone else takes up your attention.

"Good, bad? What's the verdict?" You hear Matt ask, so you don't even continue counting people's drinks.

"Oh, very good. She's got nothing to worry about," You hear Alex say and you look back at him and see he's already smiling up at you.

A warm feeling came over you then, one that was very welcomed and you didn't want it to leave. The fact that he'd said that in front of all your friends meant more to you than you'd ever let on.

Your cheeks heated up then as you smiled back. You bit your lip trying to control your happiness before you went into the kitchen to start pouring jägers.

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