Do Me A Favour (13.1)

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A/N: Okay, time to get really sad. It's Friday the 13th so obviously the angst is here. Hope you enjoy this part as much as you can, it's intense like the last one. The drama has well and truly arrived and it doesn't go away now really... We're onto the good stuff. 

(We know this is obvious but we just want to reiterate, with the last section of this part (13.3), that this is a fictional story and for entertainment purposes only. It is fictional drama, of course.) Hope you've all had a great week and thanks for reading x

~*~*~*~ July 2013 ~*~*~*~

In the weeks after the accident everything was very difficult at first, but it slowly started to improve. Getting you back home and into your flat was an exhausting thing in itself, despite everyone being there to help you.

The first night back in your own surroundings was more blissful than you'd ever thought your flat could be. The accident happened on the 8th and you were finally getting back into your flat on the 21st.

You felt much better in the hospital once Matty was back with you, and you were so thankful that he was safe and okay. Your Mum, your Aunt, and your cousin stayed the night you were back home.

Both sisters shared the bed in your spare room whilst Adam took the settee. Matty shared with you despite his protests saying that you needed the room and should have the bed to yourself.

But you wanted him with you and you had the best nights sleep with him beside you.

Alex came back around the next morning and spent the day with you, which you were again thankful for. Him, Adam, and Matty all distracted you from your Mum being a little overbearing with you at times.

She kept on giving you instructions of how to sit and that you shouldn't be standing up on your crutches for long, which wasn't all that true because Charlie had told you that you could. Your Mum and Aunt spent another two days with you, catering for yours and everyone's needs, really.

You really did appreciate everything that they had done for you, but you were glad when your uncle came to see you and when they decided to head back home, promising to come see you the weekend next. You also felt the tension in the room die as soon as your Mum left, she was being stand offish with Matty and you didn't like it.

So, when all that was left was just you, your boyfriend, your cousin, and your best friend - you finally felt like you could relax.

A few days after you got home, Alex drove you back in so you could get your stitches taken out from all around your body, as Adam was taking himself and Matty back home to pick up some more clothes. The two weeks that the stitches needed to be in were finally over, and you had tried your best to avoid looking at them at all times.

You were pleased that your follow-up appointment was with Charlie. Despite sending each other a few texts, it wasn't the same as seeing him almost everyday - so it was great to see him again.

He got all the stitches out for you from around your body and he said he was pleased with how you'd healed. Despite the weird sensations you felt as he pulled them out, you didn't look.

You couldn't bring yourself to.

You hated all of them when you had to gently wash them in the shower. The one on your inner thigh still being the worst one, followed by the one curving round your breast.

Your hand you had come to terms with, and whilst you hated looking at the scars forming on the tops of your fingers, you couldn't cover them with your clothes like you could the others. So, whilst you hated that you could feel pins holding your fingers together now, you didn't mind those scars as much.

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