The Birthday Part (21.2)

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Make sure you read 21.1 first x


Matty and Alex are left staring after you and both of them jump when your bedroom door slams shut. No one moves, not until Adam stands up and starts shouting.

"How fucking dare the both of you!" Your cousin gets up and yells at the guilty pair, "She just wanted her mates round for her birthday and you two fucking pricks have made her feel like shit when she already has shit going on!"

"We didn't mean to." Alex starts but Adam doesn't give a shit.

"Oh, you didn't mean to fight over her?" His voice is thick with sarcasm before he continues on to say, "Explain to me then why you are talking about having sex with her?"

No one has ever seen Adam like this before. Matty has seen him on the verge of losing his shit at him before but this is scary, he's never seen his mate so wound up.

"You're both fucking disgusting. Neither of you deserve her." Adam shakes his head, feeling himself get angrier and angrier.

Matty tries to softly say, "Hann-" but he's interrupted by the furious man.

"No, don't you fucking dare 'Hann' me!" He shakes his head and everyone can see that he's turning red from how enraged he's become. He truly means his words when he tells the both of them, "I'm appalled to call you both my friends."

Adam carries on his verbal assault, George starts trying not to laugh which makes Matt who's sitting next to him start choking on laughter too. They aren't even laughing at the situation because what's just happened is awful, but it's like being shouted at in school by your teacher and trying not to lose it.

And George can't help but find an angry Adam funny, because it's not been seen before. Never had anyone seen Adam like this.

Your cousin finds their humour anything but funny, because when he hears them sniggering like children he whips around and sees red. "What the fuck is so funny?" Venom is laced in his voice.

George and Matt swallow their laughs and George says, "Nothing." whilst Matt shakes his head. Needless to say they don't find him funny anymore.

Turning back to Matty and Alex, Adam shakes his head saying, "You two are both so far up your own arses that all you talk is pure shit and it's just constantly hurting her! And I've had enough!"

"Do you not think about her when you both start with the petty digs that almost turn into full blown fights?!" Adam seethes, absolutely fuming at the pair. "That again she's always in the middle of, trying to calm you both down."

You're in your room and you've gone silent for a second, breaking yours and Y/B/F's hug for a second to ask, "Is that Adam shouting?"

"Oh shit." Y/B/F covers her mouth, clearly shocked having never heard him like that before.

Back in the lounge, Adam starts tearing both of them new arseholes, "It's not fucking fair on her to be ripped apart like that. You're both fucking pricks and you don't even deserve to have her call you her friend."

Both of them already felt bad enough, yet they both know that they deserve this lecture. They had made you cry, and neither ever wanted that. They should be doing better than this.

"And the fact you've done it today..." Adam shakes his head, his voice a normal volume again but it's thick with disgust, "I'm fucking appalled at you both."

"Yeah to be fair, ruining her birthday is pretty shitty of you both." Charlie agrees, thinking both of them are really fucking wrong to have done this at your birthday party.

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