D Is For Dangerous (25.2)

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~*~*~*~ April 27th 2018 ~*~*~*~

Wine nights always go well with Y/B/F. Since you'd been living together, you'd both had one at least once a week and it's honestly the very best thing about sharing each other's living space. You can get pissed with her whenever you fancy and no one can stop either of you.

The only time you don't uphold your weekly tradition is when she's away on tour. But thankfully this is the second week she'd been back considering the Monkeys are now on their two month break. As it turns out, you'll get another fortnight after that too because they'll be promoting the album so you're very very excited about these two months you've got with them all again.

How could you not be? You have some of your best friends back up in Sheffield with you and one of them is your best friend and the other is practically your boyfriend.

But when your best friend got home after the first leg of the tour, she practically held you hostage. She complained about the Monkeys a lot and she did what you did after you got home from the AM tour and said she didn't want to see any of them for a week. Which is fine but she wouldn't even let Alex come round to see you and she'd barely let you go out and see him.

When you wanted to go and work at his flat, she begged you to stay with her which you mostly gave in to apart from last Friday and the deal was that you come back home in the evening for wine night after spending the day with Alex. Something which you ended up doing and it went great.

You did work a little bit that day, but you mostly just spent the day by your best friend's side, kissing him and telling him how much you missed him whilst he was away. Both of you are actually sappy idiots that can't get enough of each other.

Thankfully this week, Y/B/F had been alright with you going out to see Alex and you'd spent quite a lot of your week with him. But after spending most of your Friday with him, tonight is still reserved as wine night with Y/B/F and she planned on getting the both of you drunk. And drunk you are.

But that doesn't mean you've stopped texting Alex. As soon as you were back in your flat, the messages started up between you again. And you're apparently not very secretive about it because as it gets later in the evening and you and Y/B/F have already had 3 bottles of wine between you, she catches you smiling at your phone.

"Do you two ever leave each other alone for more than an hour?" Your best friend asks.

You look up from your phone and smile at her, teasing straight back, "Can you stop trying to sabotage my relationship please?"

"I'm not," She laughs before she tells you, "I support and approve of your relationship one hundred percent. I just want you all to myself. I've missed you so much."

You can't help but smile at that. She always gets like this when she comes back home from a tour, somehow, she's needier this time despite her being surrounded by her best friends whilst she's working.

"Well you take my phone then because I have no self restraint." You tell her, locking your phone and throwing it over to her. "I enjoy talking to him too much."

"I know you do. It's literally all he does when he's on tour. Every spare second he's smiling at his phone." She tells you and your heart bursts a little.

You're exactly the same when you're waiting for his reply back here. And when it comes through, you're like a schoolgirl with her first crush. You can't stop the emotions from showing on your face.

You're head over heels for your best friend, Alex Turner.

"And don't you think it's wild how I can tell how drunk he is over text?" You laugh a little.

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