Do I Wanna Know? (10.2)

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Alex ends up living with you for two months, and you slowly get him back to his old self. It takes a long time and he isn't quite himself when he moves back out, but he apparently feels like he's imposing all the time, which just isn't true.

But there was no stopping him unfortunately.

In those two months, he'd been sleeping around a bit which you think is fair enough because you don't know what to do if you'd just got out of a four year relationship. You even encouraged him to go out because after the first time he didn't come home, he seemed a little better.

The only thing that he never did was bring a girl back to the flat. Which you didn't really understand but when you said that it was his room and he could treat it as such, he said that he wasn't bringing random women into your home.

He told you that he respected you too much for that. Something which when you thought about it, you actually appreciated.

Not everything was rebound related in those almost two months he stayed with you. You and Alex quickly found that you lived with each other really well.

And even though the poor boy was heartbroken, he was still your best friend Alex. You laughed with each other a lot and you spent a lot of time together.

You obviously worked from home which meant you were around each other 24/7. The only time you weren't actually together was when Y/B/F dragged you out with her or when Alex was out shagging about.

You and Alex had loads of movie nights and went and did things together on the days you weren't working. On the weekends you would both watch X-Factor which was really good this year and you were glad that Alex thought so too.

You were rooting for the boy band that had been put together on this year's series, but unfortunately when it came to the final they only came third. Alex was rooting for them for your sake but you knew he was happy when his favourite, Matt Cardle, won.

Of course, even though you were having a good time with each other, that didn't make Alex instantly better. He still had his sad days and that was perfectly understandable.

About a month into Alex staying with you, he'd been in a little depressed stage of the break up, as he was barely leaving his room. You understood this feeling completely of not wanting to get up, as when you split with Peter you were the exact same.

You were practically bedridden for days because of the guilt you felt for cheating. And by god you definitely would have stayed in bed for the entirety of the last three weeks of 2007 if you hadn't been in Manchester with Matty and Adam pulling you out of bed every day.

You genuinely did not know what you'd have done if you didn't go to Manchester after that happened. Because you didn't have Y/B/F to talk to about it and you were sure you'd have driven yourself insane by being in your house all alone.

So, you knew how important friends were to get you through that. God, you were certain you only got back on your feet because Adam kept bringing you coffee and Matty kept giving you old books of his to get lost in.

You thought the first time you had to get over Alex was bad, but it was nothing compared to what you felt the months after he'd sort of cheated on you.

So, whilst you didn't say that you knew what he was going through to his face, because you certainly didn't want to drag all of that shit back up, you did empathise with your best friend. But after a week of only seeing him when you forced him out of his room to come and eat with you, it was enough.

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