This House Is A Circus (2.1)

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A/N: Hey Besties! Hope you've had a good week! Hope you all enjoy the second part! x


Matt's party comes around a lot faster than you would have liked it to. When Alex left, you went back to your room and changed your bedding. And after putting your dirty stuff in the washer and putting the new bedding on, you climbed straight back in.

You were so fucking tired, it was a joke. Your head and stomach hurt from your hangover that hadn't quite left yet and your body was aching from last night's exercise.

So it was needless to say that when your head hit your pillow, you went straight back to sleep. And you would have loved to stay in that comfy unconscious state for a longer time than you did.

But life wasn't always so kind to you. For the third time today you were woken up by your phone.

This time it was Y/B/F calling to ask where you were. Apparently the party was in full swing and people were missing you.

Turns out since you'd been asleep, the time of the party had been moved forward an hour. So that meant that you had to rush doing your makeup. You just went for nude eyeshadow, a bit of eyeliner, and some mascara.

You opted to wear a black bralette instead of your bra tonight because it covered more of your chest, which now -- thanks to Alex -- was covered in bruises. Over the bralette you wore a thin black jumper that was slightly off one shoulder.

You put on your black jeans again, grabbed your phone, quickly had something to eat and headed out. Thankfully Matt's house was just 'round the corner, so once you collected the shit ton of alcohol you were required to bring, you made your way 'round.

When you opened the door to Matt's house everyone inside started cheering seeing you finally arrive with more alcohol that they no doubt wanted to drink.

"Yes, the party has arrived," You giggle, shaking your head at those in the lounge who were raising their glasses at you, still cheering a bit.

"Calm down, I know you've missed me," You grin at them, jokingly flicking your shoulder-length hair.

You smile at your best friend when she gets up from her seat and stalks toward you. She throws her arms around you bringing you in for a hug.

When you hug her back she tells you, "You're about three drinks behind."

"I'll have shots and catch up, don't you worry," You assure her with a smile.

Matt looks at you like you've just shown up unannounced wanting to stop someone's wedding. He questions you, "Why you late?"

You playfully shoot back, "You ever think that maybe I've got better things to be doing than drinking with you lot?"

Matts jaw drops, Andy gasps a shocked "Woaahh."

Jamie shakes his head at you claiming you were "throwing shade."

Some of your girls were shaking their head at you which made you giggle but you laughed most when Nick called out, "We don't want that negativity here."

You smile at the banter and smile more when you made eye contact with Alex and he's nodding his head in agreement with his mates.

"Fine. I'll leave and take my shots and jäger elsewhere," You say shaking your bag a little so they can hear the bottles clink together.

"Noooo," Practically the whole room shouts.

You grin, instructing them to, "Play nice then."

"Have we got cups or are we just using glasses tonight, Matt?" You ask him, wanting to know what you can put your drink in.

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