An Encounter (9.3)

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"Jesus," Adam sighs, watching as you almost fall over your own feet again.

You weren't even that drunk, you were just in a giddy mood that made you want to go between members of all the groups. One second you were with Matty, the next with Jamie and then over to Y/B/F.

You were like the ball in a pinball machine, always too unpredictable.

What made it worse was that you were all standing stationary outside having a cigarette whilst you were waiting for the taxis to arrive. You'd all just been in the shop getting some alcohol and mixers for back at your flat.

"You know what random song I've got stuck in my head?" You ask your best friend before taking a drag of your cigarette.

"What?" She asks you.

You grin telling her, "You're The One That I Want from Grease."

"Not again," Matty shakes his head at you before he wanders away hiding himself behind George.

"Fuck off, Healy. Grease is such a good film," Y/B/F scolds him.

Matty just starts mumbling things into George's back and George is chuckling away at his best mate.

Y/B/F just ignores him and finishes her cigarette. Then she asks you, "Wonder how that's got in your head though?"

"Oh, I do wonder," Matty says, coming back round with a smirk before lightly kicking your ankle.

Alex watched the action and he saw that he'd kicked your ferris wheel tattoo. He frowns a little, as did his friends.

"I don't get it," Y/B/F says, evidently confused.

Matty explains, "Well, she's wearing her jeans turned up and she's obviously seen her tattoo and with us around she's gunna think of that song."

"Bold of you to assume that you're the one that she wants," Matt smirks at him, nudging his shoulder slightly.

"I mean, not that bold. Imma shag him later," You breathe out the smoke that's in your lungs before you step into Matty's grip and when his hands go around your waist and you're leaning against his chest you start to explain.

"But he doesn't mean it that way," You start, "Last summer we were all at a fair and we went to a funhouse and I had a proper Sandy moment. Even got a picture in the turning barrel with my shirt hanging off my shoulders."

Everyone found themselves smiling at your story. The Monkeys and Y/B/F smiling because you looked so happy telling it and the boys who were actually with you were smiling at the memory of the fun night out.

"Just gotta find your Danny Zuko now," Y/B/F grins at you.

You playfully fan your face as if you were really flustered, "No one will ever beat Danny Zuko. No one... He's the reason I like brunettes, I'm sure of it."

"I'll be sure to thank John Travolta when I next see him," Matty chuckles and you roll your eyes and burst out laughing.

George sighs, shaking his head, "Oh, here we go."

"I'm just kidding. My Mum hasn't met him... I don't think," Matty thinks out loud and you just laugh, finishing off your cigarette.

Nick questions what he means and Matty explains who his Mum and Dad are. It was a quick conversation but then Jamie got all giddy asking if he'd met anyone famous, despite Jamie basically being famous himself.

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