R U Mine? (14.2)

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Christmas night was alright after that. Matty came back with you and you all had a good night. Alex stayed for another hour or two to make sure you were alright and you were really thankful that he did that, because you stayed glued to his side for the remainder of the evening.

You only stayed up another hour after that before you called it a night and went to bed early. And it was comical really that you thought Christmas was bad, when in reality a week later you were back home, having an evening in with Alex when you got a call from Adam apologising profusely to you.

It was about two extra songs that appeared on the deluxe album that dropped on New Years Day. Apparently Adam didn't know about them or give approval, but by the time he noticed, the album was out. So, along with all the EP's songs being on the album too, a further two were added.

And they were about you. Needless to say the songs Head.Cars.Bending. and Me were about you, and your reaction to them made everything pleasant about Matty at Christmas fall away. They really hurt, and it was once again Alex and Y/B/F who had to pick up the pieces.

So, after your rough run of the last six months, when the Monkeys got their Brits invite, you were the obvious person for Alex to ask to join him. After all, you deserved to be pampered and spoiled and if Alex could get away with doing that, he would. When you agreed to go with him, Alex was really pleased.

"I feel like I'm going to prom again," Breana chuckles, picking her head up from Matt's shoulder, "Any of you feel the same?"

"No, we never had a prom." You shake your head and grin, "The last school party that I remember was our year six school disco. After that it was just piss ups at Matt's house in high school."

"How do you remember shit like that from primary school?" Alex questions, looking at you like you're some sort of magical being who could pull memories out of thin air.

"The same way I remember the order of your song lyrics, yet you don't despite them being your songs and you being Shakespeare." You joke with a knowing grin.

Alex narrows his eyes at you, "I'll let you walk on your own."

"Don't you fucking dare." You frown at him and playfully kick his shin.

Alex grins at you as you playfully act standoffish with him. You looked stunning this evening, but what made Alex happier was that you were happy and excited for what seemed like the first time in a long time.

And Alex really hoped that you would take him up on his offer to join him and the band on tour this year. He didn't want you on your own for half the year again, especially when this time you wouldn't have Adam either, what with him being on his own tour.

You still hadn't given him an answer, but you'd promised him you'd think about it.

You could feel your heart pounding as you got closer to the O2. You're a little nervous to say the least. You'd never been someone's date or plus one at an event like this, so the unknown was a little daunting.

And when the time came for you all to get out of the car as you pulled up to the red carpet, Alex could sense this. The two of you were the last in the fancy limo and just before Alex stepped out of the car he took your hand.

"Deep breath, Angel. You'll do fine," Your best friend smiles at you as he kisses the back of your hand quickly.

You do as he says, before smiling at him and joking back, "Better hope so."

Alex keeps a hold of your hand and helps you out of the car, which you're grateful for as you had to make sure you didn't trip over your designer dress. Bright flashes filled your view as you got out of the car and it was a little overwhelming, especially with people now shouting your best friend's name too.

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