Settle For A Draw (22.2)

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Almost an hour later, you're a little tipsier than before and Y/B/F can't help but grin when you wrap your arms around her waist as she's now standing beside Miles, where you were earlier. She rests her hands over your arms and you put your chin on her shoulder to look at the lads in front of you.

You're very pleased to see everyone is getting along and Ross is looking a little more alive. George is looking more stunning by the minute and you have to avert your gaze when he winks at you because you will make bad choices otherwise.

Y/B/F thankfully distracts you, "How's it going?"

Miles asks, "Tough one to crack?"

You shake your head, releasing your bestie as you tell whoever's listening, "He asked me to leave with him about twenty minutes ago."

"Why are you still here?" Jamie chuckles, not understanding why you wouldn't leave if a shag is what you were after the whole time.

You shrug, "Playing hard to get." before you pick up a strawberry shot and down it.

"But why?" Ross asks.

Bless him being awake enough to care. You're thankful he looks a little more alive now.

"Because men find women more interesting when we take little interest in them." You explain, and add in jest, "Why do you think Miles likes kissing me?"

Instantly you feel Miles thinking of a comeback so you stop him before he can say anything, "Don't reply to that, I was joking."

He can't help but laugh at you then. "Actually, what I was going to say is 'that's why you're not with them two'." as he points down to Matty and Alex.

You laugh to yourself a little bit then and you hear your name being called behind you. You raise your finger in the air to tell him '1 minute' from across the room and you flash him a smile as Y/B/F catches a sneak peak at him.

When he goes back to chatting to his own mate, Y/B/F turns to you and says loud enough for the table to hear, "He's well fit!"

Laughing, you nod, "I know. He's American too."

"Not a yank, Cupcake." Matt shakes his head.

"Helders, you're married to one." Y/B/F states rather confused at his statement.

You just laugh, "Right, I'll be back when I see more shots."

You kiss her cheek and you live up to your word when you see a waitress carry a tray of shots over to them, you head back yourself.

Leaving your new man with his own mates you giggle when you get back to your own.

Your long haired drummer asks just after you all take your shots, "Why don't you just go with him then you get more time in his bed?"

"Who's fucking side are you on?" Matty scowls at his best friend but you get his attention.

"Mine obviously." You say to Matty before turning back and answering George's question, "And that's because that's not how one nights work. For me anyway."

After another few confused glances, you just decide to explain yourself, "If you know the person then yeah fair enough, but not for a stranger. I don't want awkward chat. I want them to be already sorta tired so they will fall asleep after and then I can leave without a trace before morning."

Y/B/F chips in with, "Unless they are good then you might wanna stick around."

"Precisely." You nod, thinking that's the end of it. But oh, no.

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