Dance Little Liar (8.3)

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A couple of days later, it was the lads' biggest gig on the tour to date, and everyone was buzzing. This arena is big enough for them to have a dressing room each, if they really wanted to.

You and Alex had just been out to a shop for pre-gig drinks and cigarettes. You two were laughing and chatting as you headed back to the venue, both silently thankful that nothing had changed between you since the other night.

If nothing else, you just felt closer to each other. Another secret shared, presumably until you both decided on what to label your dynamic, because 'best friend' didn't really seem to fit right anymore. After the other night, it was definitely more.

Best friends don't have sex with each other.

You make your way back into the large shared dressing room, where the rest of the band was hanging out, you were surprised to see a stunning woman, tall with wavy brown hair. She was standing around like she was waiting for someone.

Her eyes land on you and Alex, more so him, and she smiles brightly. She heads over to your best friend immediately and excitedly greeting him, "Alex!"

Alex drops your hand at the door and goes to her immediately, but your heart sinks as you watch him wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her sweetly.

You aren't the only one who's surprised. Really, Miles seems like the only one who wasn't surprised.

Matt, Nick and Jamie all look at you, just as shocked as you are. All quite clearly in the dark about whoever this girl was.

But all you could do was stand there helplessly and watch. You had no idea what you were witnessing, yet the dread you feel seems to slowly spread through your body again.

Alex introduces everyone to this girl, Alexa, and only when Alex turns to introduce you last, does she take note of you. But when she does, she seems genuine and friendly.

But you want to cry when she asks with a smile, "Oh, Y/N, his best friend, right?"

She has no idea.

You spare a glance at Alex, and his face is void of emotion, with an expression you were unable to read. You aren't sure if it's because you're hurt or because you just didn't know him as well as you thought you did.

"Y/N?" Alexa asks again, bringing you out of your head.

"Huh, yeah... Best friend I guess." You nod before adding in a strained laugh, in an attempt to act normal, "I mean after Helders, obviously."

The sweet girl engages in conversation with the lads for a few minutes, but you could only hopelessly stare at your best friend. But he keeps his eyes off you like you're the plague.

All that does though is solidify the hurt that spreads through you.

"Um, I'm gonna...." You point over your shoulder at the door, not looking at anyone in particular as you slip out of the door. But not before you grab the drink you'd picked up.

You hurry out of the room and out of the venue, your mind hazy and completely spinning. What the hell was happening?

"What the fuck!" You shout a bit louder than you meant to and drew the attention of the security guard nearby.

"Sorry." You tell him as he raises his eyebrow at you.

You sit against the wall and light a cigarette, bouncing your knees as you smoke. The stage door opens and you sigh in relief as Matt walks out.

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