D Is For Dangerous (25.1)

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A/N: Hey besties, so I'm posting the first part of the new chapter this week as a teaser of sorts. The full chapter will be up next Friday (I hope so anyway) but until then enjoy the start of this chapter! (unedited) xx


It's needless to say that the next day when you and Alex crawled out of your bunk, everyone had grins on their faces. As any normal friends would, they teased you both about it but when you told them that you were both serious about it and wanted to make it work they were thrilled for you.

And it made for a very fun warm up leg of the tour for Alex. He was doing what he loved and he had the woman who he's been crazy for by his side for a good section of it.

Your mini date that he took you on was adorable. You'd not felt so giddy to be by his side since you were a hell of a lot younger.

And you honestly felt like you were on top of the world. Despite him only taking you out for lunch and then you went and watched Black Panther at the cinema.

It was the best day, filled with lots of stolen kisses and random acts of affection that made your heart soar. Him blowing random kisses at you whilst he was meant to be soundchecking and Y/B/F then telling him off made you giggle more than you let on.

You had to bite your lip sometimes, her shouting wasn't scary like it was when Adam shouts. None of you could take her seriously until she actually lost her temper and then it frightened you all.

But you nearly burst a blood vessel trying not to laugh when she shouted at Matt. He was so taken aback and scared by her, when she moved on to micromanage something else the drummer looked around at you and the band very dazed and said, "She's not invited to the next tour."

She was a funny one, bless her. But she calmed down when Charlie made the trip down again for the band's London shows because they fell just before Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day was fucking hilarious for you. And very adorable.

Because you were in London, you stayed at Alex's house the night before after his show which most of the 1975 boys were there for which was fun for you.

Matty was on a trip away to LA with Gabby. Not that he'd told anyone else that other than you because they still weren't official yet but he was getting there with it and he was happy so you were really happy for him.

But what made you happier was the fact that you got a night to cuddle Alex in a proper bed. And you got to kiss him as much as you wanted to and you could talk and laugh and be as flirty as you wanted without prying ears around.

You had the best time. And the fact that Valentine's Day was the next day and you had the day to yourselves, or that was what you thought until the doorbell to Alex's front door went off.

"You alright to get that for me, Angel." Alex calls from upstairs.

"Yeah," You shout back as you get yourself up from the settee, "Is it someone you're expecting?"

"You'll see." Is what you hear him call back as you head to the door.

You're confused until you actually open the door and you're met with your true soulmate standing on the doorstep looking fine as fuck. "Hey Baby." George grins.

"What are you doing here?" You grin all excited opening the door more so your gentle giant can come in.

"I asked Alex last night if I could call and see you today and he said it was sweet, so here I am." George explains and then he pulls a box of chocolates and a card from behind his back and says, "Happy Valentine's Day. These are for you."

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