Star Treatment (27.1)

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A/N: oh my god, it's FINALLY here! So sorry for the wait but I promise you it'll be worth it. I would like to repeat, you've not been robbed. This is full to the brim of smut, like over 12k of it so I hope you enjoy. So much has happened since I last posted, The 1975 have released a new single (which I fucking adore), and we have a new album name and release date! Really hope you all enjoy this chapter, get your holy water ready. Love you all lots, thanks for sticking with me and reading. Steam Part of the Band by The 1975 x


The speed at which you just got out of bed and dressed should be applauded after what you went through last night. Your muscles are screaming for rest, but you ignore them as you start quietly gathering as many of your belongings that you can find as Alex still lies in his bed asleep.

Your skirt is ripped which left you getting into a pair of Alex's joggers and you threw on a hoodie of his as well, considering the clasps on your top had practically been torn off. You're surprised your bra survived if you're honest. Your underwear certainly didn't, which is why you stole a pair of Alex's boxers too.

You know your bag and your phone are downstairs by the door where you threw them as soon as you were pushed in through his front door last night. So you take one final look around his room to double check you haven't missed anything, but when you do, your eyes linger on your best friend.

In your heart you know that you'd feel bad leaving without at least saying something to your best friend, but you truly don't know how you're meant to look him in the eye after everything that had happened in the last 9 hours.

So, to avoid the guilty feeling you're bound to get once you leave his room, you decide to say something without waking him.

Leaning down, you kiss Alex gently on his forehead before whispering, "Bye Al."

That was something you thought you'd push yourself back up from and walk out without any bother. However, you certainly didn't think it would end up with you being pinned underneath him.

Having been caught out, all you can do is smile and offer your best friend a chipper, "Morning."

Alex is not having any of it though. He point blank asks you, "Where are you going?"

"To Y/B/F's." You tell him quietly what your plan was as you glance at his hair that's falling over his face.

He still looks just as good as last night. It's quite unfair really when you probably look like a drowned rat.

"Without saying goodbye?" Alex raises his eyebrows at you knowing full well that you were trying to sneak out.

You point out, "I just whispered a goodbye."

"Before you kissed me," Alex smiles a little, "I know."

But then he narrows his eyes at you playfully but you know from his words he probably feels a bit hurt, "I can't believe you'd just leave like that."

You shrug, giving the only excuse you can, "I didn't fancy awkward chat."

Because you didn't know what it was going to be like when you woke up today. You don't really want to be teased for what happened all day, you'd rather be on your own and live in the happy memory of it.

"Who was making it awkward?" Alex questions from above you, entirely confused. He points out, "It wasn't even awkward the first time when it should have been awkward."

And then a grin makes its way onto your best friend's face as he reminds you, "If anything, I remember correctly you having me all to yourself in a more PG sense."

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