This House Is A Circus (2.3)

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Alex then pulls you around the other side of Matt's extension then down the little alley between Matt's house and next door. You needed to cool down and not be anywhere in Josh's vicinity whilst you did so.

"Y/N, down there now," Alex tells you and usually you would argue against being told what to do but you don't know what stops you this time.

Maybe it was the fact that you didn't want to argue with Alex of all people. So you just bit your tongue as you walk down the small alley and sit down on the floor.

Thankfully the alley was well kept and the floor was dry, so at least you weren't sitting on a dirty surface. You felt the anger raking through your body and the only thing you think of that would chill you out would be a cigarette.

"Can I please steal a fag?" You ask Alex, trying not to sound as annoyed as you felt.

Alex nods at you before grabbing his pack from his pocket. He gets one out for you and hands you his lighter as well, which you thank him for, before you give it back and he lights up his own.

After a minute of silence and half of your cigarette later, you break the silence. You needed to just let it out and thankfully you knew Alex could keep his mouth shut about things.

You'd told him plenty of secrets in the past, which is probably one of the reasons why you knew he would keep the previous night a secret. He was trustworthy, but to be fair your hate for Josh wasn't really a secret.

"I fucking hate him," You say after you've took a long drag, needing the nicotine to calm you down.

"He only gets like that because that's the only way you show him any attention," Alex informs you, holding his cigarette between his fingers.

You shake your head, "I don't want his attention."

"He wants yours is my point," Alex tells you, looking down at you from where he stood.

Alex was glad you'd calmed down a little. But he could tell your Josh problem was going to get either better or worse with what he was about to tell you.

"Why on earth does he want my attention?" You ask, completely confused.

Alex then drops a bomb with, "Because he likes you Y/N/N."

"What?" You almost choke whilst inhaling the smoke.

You lent forward a little more to just double check you heard him correctly. And unfortunately you did.

Alex repeats and confirms, "Josh likes you."

You actually pause completely. All you can do is stare into Alex's eyes with your jaw agape for a few seconds. 

"Josh?" You ask with furrowed eyebrows.

Alex nods at you with raised eyebrows whilst taking a long drag of his cigarette. He was trying to control the smile that was threatening to form on his lips.

He could tell just how shocked you were at this revelation.

You're completely dumbfounded, so you have to ask again, "Really?"

"Really." Alex tells you, slightly amused by you being oblivious to this information.

You lean back against the wall and shake your head, "God no."

"You're nasty," Alex laughs.

"I'm not nasty, I just don't like him. Especially in that way," You tell him, trying not to let the thought drive you sick.

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