UGH! (20.2)

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Make sure you read 20.1 first x

~*~*~*~ January 2016 ~*~*~*~

"Y/N, I fucked up and you're going to kill me."

Your heart practically stops when you hear your cousin tell you that over the phone.

"Why?" You ask, leaving your room for a minute so your FaceTime companion doesn't see the worry that's made its way to your face. After moving to your lounge, you perch yourself on the arm of your love seat and ask, "What's happened?"

You hear your cousin hesitate before he takes a deep breath and tells you, "I slipped up at an interview and basically said the album was about you..."

The line is silent for a moment as you close your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose. This is exactly what you didn't want.

"For fucks sake, Adam." You sigh before going on a bit of a rant, "When you told me it was about me, I made all of you promise me that you wouldn't advertise that. I told you that I don't want that association. I-"

"I know, I'm sorry." Adam interrupts feeling terrible with himself. He really didn't mean to do it. "We've been doing the same interviews for days and then someone asked who the songs are about and I whispered 'my cousin' under my breath when I sighed, but the mic picked it up."

"Please tell me they didn't hear you." You say despite knowing your luck wasn't that good.

The silent line answers your question.


"I'm sorry, Y/N," He sincerely tells you before continuing, "The guy heard and repeated what I said and then Matty scorned me but had to then answer the questions on it."

Sighing, you try and come up with something to try and prevent this from getting out, "I thought you could stop interviews from going out, that your PR team could stop-"

"It was live in front of an audience, B," Adam delivers the final blow, "I'm so sorry."

You put your hand over your eyes and begin to rub them. It would have been so much easier to not have to deal with everyone knowing.

"Please speak to me." Your cousin pleads after a silent few seconds.

You shake your head knowing he can't see you as you sigh, "I don't know what you want me to say, Ad."

"That you don't hate me?"

"I don't hate you," You promise, "But it doesn't mean I'm not annoyed."

"I know, I know. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to but I had to tell you I slipped up." You can hear the guilt in his voice and you have no doubt if he wasn't currently in London he would have come over to Sheffield in person to apologise. "Twitter has been blowing up."

"Glad I've never had notifications turned on then." You half smile trying to make light at the situation. After all it's not his fault that Matty has written loads of songs about you again, "I've gotta go Bro, I'm on a call."

"Work call?"

"Sort of."

"Okay, well," Adam starts, " I'm really sorry again."

"It's okay, Ad," You tell him, "Just please limit what you say about me."

"I will," He promises, "It won't happen again, B. I swear."

You smile as you say, "Love you bro, bye."

"Bye, B." Adam says back and you end the call and head back into your room.

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