Head.Cars.Bending (12.4)

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Alex keeps his promise to you and when you open your eyes the following morning Alex is still there holding your hand. Your nurse, apparently the same one who let Alex stay, who's name is Charlie, came in not long after you woke up and formally told you what was wrong and what happened.

He explained your recovery plan to you whilst you clutched Alex's hand and you listened intently. You knew at this point that you'd be in hospital for a while, maybe a week or two because they needed to keep you in for observations.

But you just needed to take one day at a time. In the few hours that you had alone with Alex you asked him a few questions. But you mostly kept it lighthearted.

At one point when you looked at your hand in Alex's, you took note of his Death Ramps ring and your stomach dropped. You had to ask, "Al, where's my rings?"

You didn't care for any of your others as they were just shitty Pandora ones you got yourself over the years. But your Death Ramps one, you never took that off like you did the others.

"Oh, they bagged up the stuff that was on you." Alex informs you, and he crouches down when he lets go of your hand to grab it.

"Your clothes didn't make it but everything else is in here." Alex says as he brings up a clear bag full of your jewellery.

You smile, pleased to see nothing was lost, but you just ask your best friend, "Can you get me my Death Ramps one out please?"

Alex nods and ends up putting it on your little finger for you. You normally wore it on your other hand but with that splinted up. Your free hand was your only option.

A few hours after breakfast, Adam, your Mum and your Aunt came in. You were truly pleased to see them and when they spent the day with you, you were really happy.

They all kept you entertained, and periodically throughout the day you asked about Matty, but they always brushed it off saying things that didn't typically make much sense to you. You let it slide a few times, but by the end of the day you were worried.

You were just told by Adam that he would get him here tomorrow. Whilst that confused you, you let it go, panic never really leaving you that night as Alex couldn't stay with you.

But your best friend was the first one back in to see you with a McDonalds breakfast for you and a new phone for you to use because yours smashed in the accident. It was lucky you backed it up to the cloud every week.

You swore to him that you'd never loved Alex more than when he gave you these things. After laughing for a bit with Alex, your Mum, Aunt, and Adam came back, when you once again asked about Matty, you were blown off.

When it got to 2 p.m. though, you'd had enough of whatever lies they were telling you. You'd just asked about Matty again and Adam had gone weird and your Aunt was whispering things to your Mum.

Alex had just come back from getting himself and you a coffee when you looked around your family members and said, "You's aren't telling me something."

The room went silent then and your family looked back at you. Alex was confused because he had no idea what the conversation was about, but he guessed from the tension in the room.

Alex just kept out of it whilst he watched the scene play out.

"Where's Matty?" You ask again, but once again no one answers you.

Little did you know it was because no one actually knew. Adam hadn't heard from Matty since he walked him out of the hospital, telling him to go to your flat, get himself cleaned up and then come back tomorrow.

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