Somebody Else (18.4)

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The 1975's set was fucking brilliant.

You can't deny that Matty puts on a good show, and now they have a stage big enough to showcase that, he truly comes into his own. You were actually a little upset to be leaving before their set ended, but you promised Alex - with a pinky swear - before you left earlier that you'd be back. And you certainly don't break those promises.

Coming back, you walked into their backstage section to find Alex dressed differently to how you left him. Before he was in casual attire of jeans and a top but now, god he looks fucking stunning.

Tonight he's dressed in a black suit with the yorkshire rose on each shoulder and you can't help but grin. His hair is once again perfectly combed back and you have no doubt that he's got a comb in his inside pocket for when his gel starts failing him.

Walking towards them, they don't spot you, so as they are messing about and Alex is faking trying to punch someone after jumping in the air, you do a low wolf whistle that gets his attention. When he turns towards you and his brown eyes connect with your gorgeous ones, Alex can't help but instantly smile.

Abandoning the others, he walks over to you and wraps his arms around you, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around. You can't help but giggle in his arms and hold onto him tightly, loving how excited he is to see you again.

But the kiss he gave you after telling you, "I've missed you so much." was just the icing on the cake.

And now you're standing in the guest list balcony, watching as your best friend puts on his best performance. You can't describe how proud of him you are, and how proud of the others too.

It's around half way through your lads set when the boys climb the stairs with Y/B/F. You brought Charlie with you when you left the other stage, but Y/B/F decided to stay and wait for the other boys.

Thankfully, you've managed to get to the front of the balcony you're on, which means the others squeeze in easily. You hug them all as they move in and greet you, your bestie obviously being the first you get your hands on.

After hugging you, she squeals a little when she looks over your shoulder and sees Matt on the drums. As the song ends and the huge audience's cheer quietens, she yells, 'Helders' at the top of her lungs while you hug Adam.

Matt must have had an earpiece out between the songs, because he looks up at her and he starts waving, to which her response is jumping and waving back like a maniac. You're chuckling as you release Adam and move on to hug Matty, quickly greeting him, "Hey."

"Hey." Matty smiles, hugging you back feeling a bit fresher now he's in a new black shirt.

You note that his aftershave smells great as you ask, "How'd the set go?" before releasing him.

You're about to move on to hug Ross but Matty rips your attention back when he says, "You'd know if you were there."

"I was there for most of it," You say, your face falling entirely. You didn't want today to be like this, so you tell him with no hint of humour in your voice, "Don't ruin your day for the sake of a few songs."

"Sorry." You see him say and you pay him no attention after that.

Matt starts hitting his bass drum again and before Jamie and Nick even start their riff's, you know it's Old Yellow Bricks. You could list off their set without any music to prompt you at this point, it's quite comical.

You hug Ross quickly and then move to the end of the balcony where you finally get to hug your drummer. George wraps his arms around you as you hear Alex through the speakers start saying, "Sheffield is wonderful." which makes you chuckle and turn back towards the stage so you can see your friends.

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