An Encounter (9.2)

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~*~*~*~ July 2008 ~*~*~*~

In the months after Alex's birthday, you made friends with him again. It was a difficult thing to do, but you did it.

After all, you'd been close for years and you were obviously close before everything. But refusing to mention what happened between you definitely made it easier to be friends again.

Starting the phone calls back up was awkward at first, but you just found it easier to ramble on about things you knew you both enjoyed. You asked him about the Puppets to distract the both of you, as you could always listen to his show stories and not get bored.

Thankfully, the phone calls got easier and longer the more you did them. And when the time came to move into your flat, you were practically besties again. You don't really know how, but the sourness of everything had long since passed.

Over a week you slowly moved into the flat with the help of Y/B/F, and once you were all moved in you wanted to have a little get together with all your friends so they could see it. However, The Arctic Monkey lads said that they unfortunately couldn't come and help, because they were having meetings about their next album.

They went down to London for those important meetings, and you'd never ask them to pick between you and their work. Their music was more important.

So, instead you just decided to leave it, and you'd organise something when they were next back.

With your best friends' help, you get your flat ready in record time and you love it to pieces. You have two bedrooms (an extra for guests like your Mum, Adam, or Y/B/F to sleep in), a bathroom, a nice kitchen, and quite a big lounge area.

And you adore it because it's yours. You'd hung your art up on the walls and set up a desk in the corner of your large bedroom so you could do your graphic design work from home.

You also had a family moving into your old home, so the rent for the flat would practically pay itself. Everything was amazing and you wouldn't change it for the world.

Especially when Adam and the rest of the band came for a spontaneous visit to check your new place out. Your best friend was over when they arrived and she seemed thrilled to be finally meeting them all, especially Adam and Matty.

After hugging them all, they filtered into your flat and met your best friend. You'd told them so many things you'd gotten up to over the years that they all felt like they knew her, and likewise with your best friend meeting them.

She couldn't help but tease your curly haired boy, though.

"Ah, so you're the famous Matty," She said as she hugged him.

Matty laughs, "Famous? I wouldn't go quite that far."

"Oh, I would. You lead topics of conversations back over here," Y/B/F grins, letting him free.

"Talk about me that often, Wheels?" He grins, turning back to look at you just near the door.

You smile, before you hug him again, "You're one of my closest friends, of course you come up a lot."

"I'm glad," Matty grins, kissing the top of your head, "I'd hate for you to come back over here and forget about me."

"I could never," You say, pulling out of the hug before you head into the kitchen to make them all a hot drink.

You obviously knew what everyone liked, as you'd spent enough time with them to know them all like the back of your hand. You were so thrilled they were all over, it was a really lovely surprise.

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