Settle For A Draw (22.1)

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~*~*~*~ September 2016 ~*~*~*~

You're starting to get a headache now. Both of them are doing your head in. Note, never ever let the two boys you're in love with get in the taxi with you and your best friend ever again. Even though Adam, Ross, and George are here too, the only thing that you're hearing is your name being called from either side of you as both men practically beg for your attention.

If you don't get out of this taxi soon you're going to fucking murder one of them. You'd asked them both to give you some space, and to be fair to them, they had. The past few months you've not seen them as much, and you've spoken to them a bit less.

That was mostly down to the busy tour schedules, though. However, with a gap in both their tours and the other monkeys not away, you've finally found the time to have a redo of your 30th birthday party. But it seems that the dwindle in communication now means you're being completely bombarded with both men grasping for your attention.

God must be watching out for you today, because your phone starts ringing and you've never been more thankful to see Matt's number. You answer him immediately, shutting the two men either side of you up as you shake your head at Y/B/F across the car and she tries not to laugh.

"My favourite Matthew and my favourite Monkey," You answer in an overexcited tone, "How are you, my lovely?"

You can practically feel Alex rolling his eyes and Matty's scoff, so you're even more satisfied by the time Matt laughs, "Damn, are they that bad already?"

"Yep, you wouldn't believe it." You sigh, "There's about to be a reenactment of Red Light."

Y/B/F laughs at the same time Matt does when they hear you say that. Everyone knows everything now. You did it in 3 sittings. The first you just told Y/B/F every single detail of everything to her and you answered all her questions.

The second sitting you explained what happened to the Monkeys without Alex being there and subsequently Katie, Breana, and Kelly now know too. And the third you explained everything to your Manchester boys.

It certainly felt like a weight was off your shoulders and you're glad you no longer had anything to hide. After all, so many years have passed and the fact that you slept with Alex shouldn't really be shocking. It's just everything that came after each time with Alex that shocked them, but most people could see that he'd changed, just like they could see Matty had.

"I was just about to ask how far away you are? Me, Nick, and Jamie are here." Matt tells you which just makes you more excited to get to the bar.

Looking out of the window you recognise what part of town you're in straight away. You tell him, "Be there in five minutes."

"Brilliant." Matt says, and you can hear the grin in his voice, "I'll get you your drink ready."

You stop him though, "Oh, no need Matt, Alex and Matty are splitting my bill this evening."

It was the least they could after they ruined your actual birthday. And earlier they had both promised you and agreed again that they would be getting your drinks for the evening so you didn't even bother bringing your purse out with you.

"I want a prosecco." Y/B/F shouts from her seat which makes you and Adam laugh.

You don't hesitate to tell her best friend down the phone, "Y/B/F want's a-"

"Procecco, yeah, I heard." Matt chuckles, "Hurry up and get here before us dads get legless after one drink."

"And you said I'd be the one getting pregnant on that tour. Look at you now Helders." You laugh and Alex does too, but then you see a look go between George and Matty and you scoff.

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