chapter 2

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madison's POV

we walk down the street for quite a while. i have no idea if it has actually been ages or if it just felt like ages. i am slowly calming down and things are getting better now amelia is here. it feels good to have someone near who actually seems to care. even if she doesn't she is acting like she does which was nice. i don't think i will ever be able to repay her for what she has already done for me.

"we're here" amelia says excitedly as we turn the corner. i look up in shock at her beautiful house. it looks big and modern and i am in love. this is where i want to live when i buy my own house. it is so different to the tiny house i had previously been living in with my parents. i still have no idea what amelia's plan was, and whether she only wanted me to stay for an hour or whether she would allow me to sleep here. i wish i could stay here forever but i know that's not fair on amelia. i make a promise to myself that i will only stay here for a maximum of one night and then i will leave. amelia deserves to have the house to herself and i don't want to put to much pressure on her. i know how to look after myself, i have been doing it for years.

"madison, are you okay?" amelia asks.

"yeah, sorry i'm fine." i say. i didn't mean to zone out, i was just thinking about everything. i can tell from amelia's expression that she knows something is up. she goes to say something but stops herself and takes me inside. the inside is even more spectacular. it is so open and i love it. this is definitely my dream house. amelia must have an incredible job to be able to afford a house like this.

"please can i have i shower?" i ask. i feel dirty and disgusting and i just need to wash it all off.

"yes of course. let me show you to the bathroom." she walks me upstairs and into this beautiful bathroom. "you can use all the shampoo and stuff on the floor in the shower and i'll be downstairs if you need anything." she grabs a fresh towel from the cupboard and hands it to me before she leaves and shuts the door.

as soon as i know she has definitely left, i rummage through my bag and look for the pills i got from josh earlier. i take a few of them and hop into the shower. hopefully amelia won't be able to tell i am high. i guess she doesn't know what i am like when i am sober so this will just be normal to her.

amelia's POV

i walk out of the room and leave madison to shower. she had been sleeping outside in the cold and i feel awful for her. i am hoping that she isn't ill or anything from spending that much time outside. however, i am still very curious about her secret. i don't want to push her too much but i want her to talk to me and not keep all her feelings inside. slowly i will get the answers out of her, i hope.

eventually, madison walks into the living room. her hair is still soaking wet and she has put her dirty clothes back on.

"here madison, let me grab some clean clothes for you from my draw. i can help you dry your hair too if you want. i have a blow dryer." she says nothing but follows me up to my bedroom.

"what sort of thing do you like to wear?" i ask. i grab a few different outfits out of my draws and lay them on my bed.

"i don't really mind, as long as it's comfy." she replies. i hand her an oversized t-shirt and trackies, hoping they will fit her. she wanders to the bathroom to change and comes back pretty quickly. the clothes are a bit big but i am surprised at how well they fit.

"come sit down" i say, patting the space on the bed next to me. madison still hasn't said much but she obeys and sits down next to me. i grab the hairdryer and dry her hair. the only noise made comes from the hairdryer; madison still not saying anything. once her hair was dry, i brush it and braid it into dutch braids.

"thank you" she says as she leaves the room and heads back downstairs.

when i walk into the living room i see madison lying on the sofa in tears. have i done something wrong? why is she crying? i immediately sit down next to her on the sofa and rub her back. she sniffles and wipes her face to make it look like she hasn't been crying.

"i know you've been crying. you don't need to hide it, but if you want to talk to someone i'm here for you. always." she sits up and leans her head on my shoulder. i wrap my arm around her and pull her in for a hug. she cries quietly in my arms but slowly begins to calm down. it doesn't look like she wants to talk about it so i leave it and turn on the TV. i just hope she will talk to me about everything one day.

we have been sitting there for a while, just watching TV. i feel like a bond was slowly forming between us. i mean, 2 hours ago we had been strangers to each other, but now she was willing to hug me and i really like it. i wish she could stay here forever. i am not ready to talk about it with her yet, but i am definitely going to try and keep her around for as long as possible.

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