chapter 8

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amelia's POV

i wake up and get everything ready for the hospital. i don't exactly need much because i have a lot of stuff that i have left in my locker already. if i need anything urgently, meredith or maggie can bring me something. i don't have to be in until 11 which means i have some time with madison before i leave so i go up and check on her, but she is still sleeping. i promised i would wake her up so i walk into the room and shake her lightly.

"morning madison, did you sleep well? i'm going to make us some breakfast and then i think i will have to leave."

"yeah i slept well, i will be down in a few minutes" she replies sleepily. i head downstairs and begin making bacon sandwiches for us both. soon enough, madision appears downstairs and we eat together. suddenly, i realise the time.

"i need to go, have a good day!" i say as i rush down the hallway

"bye, have fun at work! i'll mi-." she said something else but i shut the door before i could hear anything else. i know i am going to miss her today.

madison's POV

after amelia leaves, i head upstairs and into the bathroom. i have a quick shower, wash my hair and get dressed into some of amelia's clothes. she said she would take me to the mall one day so that i can get some clothes of my own but for now i was just wearing ones from amelia's wardrobe. i have to say i do quite like her style, and her clothes fit me quite nicely.

a couple hours pass and i am starting to get bored. i didn't realise how much time i spent just talking to her all day and i can't believe how much i missed her. she is like family now and i don't think i would still be alive if she hadn't found me. my parents had not even tried to look for me, neither had my "friends." i obviously meant nothing to anyone. hopefully amelia will come home soon.

i spend some time watching TV and then i call josh. i haven't talked to him in a while and i miss hearing his voice.

"hey josh, how are you?"

"good thanks, did you need something?" he asks casually

"no no, i'm just really bored. amelia is working and i have nothing to do."

"you could come and do drugs with me if you want. i'm just in the usual spot in the forest if you wanna join?" i think about his question for a while. amelia wouldn't know if i left the house, as long as i am back before she gets home, i can probably get away with it.

"i'm coming. see you in a few minutes" i reply. as soon as i hang up i feel guilty. amelia is going to kill me if she finds out. i have to go now, josh will be mad if i don't. he'll worry that something happened to me on the way. amelia would worry if i'm not here when she gets home. she is supposed to be back around 5 so i have to make sure i am back by 4. i grab a bag and go.

"hey josh" i say, walking towards him and some of his friends. i didn't realise that there would be more than just him.

"hi madi, how are you? do you want some pills? its ecstacy again, i know you liked that last time." he says, trying to convince me. i think of amelia. i know how she will feel if she finds out. i know i shouldn't do it, but it's so hard.

"i'm good, and thanks for the pills." after taking a couple, i decide to walk back home. i don't want to spend anymore time with josh right now. i know he is a bad influence and i shouldn't be near him at the moment so although i want more drugs, i have to get home, before amelia does.

the driveway is empty so i know i have made it back before amelia. i run into the house and immediately head upstairs to bed. i lay down and burst into tears. i scream into my pillow, i can be as loud as i want because i know that no one will hear me. i knew taking the pills was a bad idea. amelia will know, there is no way she won't. i continue to sob and scream for ages, thinking about what a huge mistake i had just made.

amelia's POV

i am excited to go home and see madison again. i drive back, thinking about what a long day i had had. i didn't tell anyone about madison, and neither had meredith or maggie. everyone just thinks i was ill last week. hopefully she hasn't trashed my house while i've been out.

i open the door and immediately hear crying and screaming. i drop my bags to the floor and instantly run upstairs. awful thoughts about what happened were racing through my mind. she must be so upset because i left her all day, i knew it. it was all my fault.

i swing open the door to madison's room and she looks up at me. she doesn't say anything but begins crying more. she looks like she has been crying for hours. i crawl into bed and try to hug her. she pulls away, so i lie next to her so she knows that i am there for her. eventually, she turns around and hugs me tight. after a few minutes, i break the silence.

"madision, what happened?"

"i-i" she cries more. "i'm so sorry, i feel awful. i-i, amelia i'm so sorry"

"i'm sure we can solve whatever has happened. talk to me madision, please. i hate seeing you like this."

"i went out, and i saw josh. he asked me if i wanted drugs and i couldn't refuse. i have still been doing drugs for the past few days. i can't stop amelia. it is so hard."

"madison, it's okay. i know you haven't been sober, you haven't been through any withdrawal symptoms. i am not mad at you okay? i understand that it is hard. i will do anything i can to help you, even if it means not going back to the hospital for another week or so. i will be here every step of the way" i say trying to comfort her

"i'm so sorry amelia, and thank you. you always know who to make me feel so much better." i smile at her.

"you don't have to be sorry." madison suddenly stands up and heads towards the bathroom. i follow her and she starts to rumage through the cupboard i had allowed her to have for her stuff. after pulling out everything from the cupboard, she grabs some pills.

"amelia, i need you to help me get rid of them. there can't be anything in the house. you should still go to work everyday, but i need you to lock me in. there can't be any way for me to get out, and as long as there are no drugs here, i will begin to get sober. i want this amelia. i want to do it for you." i take the bag of pills out of her hand.

"of course, i will do anything to help you." i am so proud of her for what she is doing. i knew she would ask for help eventually. i just have to find a way to dispose of these without taking them myself.

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