chapter 13

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madison's POV

josh had obviously left the drugs behind on the grass and amelia had seen them. i didn't know whether to make up some excuse about where they came from because i don't want to get josh in trouble, but i also don't want amelia to think i am lying.

"madison?" amelia says, looking at me with tears in her eyes. i explain to her that josh had come over and climbed over the fence to get in. he forced me to keep the drugs but i hadn't taken anything. i think she believes me, but i am not 100% sure. i mean, i did tell the truth so hopefully she believes me.

"i am so proud of you" amelia says

"why?" i ask

" were handed drugs and you didn't take them. that is a huge step in your recovery journey." amelia pulls me into a hug. "you will never understand how proud i am"

"thank you, i love you" i say

amelia's POV

i don't know whether to believe her or not, although it doesn't sound too unbelievable. if she is lying, then she is pretty good at it. i call arizona because i think she will be able to help me figure out whether i should trust madison or not.

"hey amelia, how are you?" she asks

"hey, um i'm good thanks, i just need some help with something." i explain to her what madison told me and that i don't know whether to believe her or not.

"wait, what? madison is a drug addict" shit, i forgot only maggie and meredith knew about that.

"recovering addict"

"okay, well has she given you a reason not to trust her?"

"well, i guess not, but she has done drugs while i have been out before."

"if i was you, i would trust her and believe that she isn't high. if you really want to, bring her in to the hospital and i will give her a tox screen."

"i can't tox screen her, she will never trust me again. thank you though arizona, you always know how to help"

"no probelm. i'm sure everything will be fine. you guys have such a cute relationship. it's like a mother-daughter sort of thing. i'll see you at the hospital tomorrow." arizona says

"bye arizona" i hang up the phone. mother-daughter relationship. that's what arizona called it. that was cute, i mean i guess i do want her to be my daughter one day. i want to adopt her, i think.

i begin to start crying. not really because i am sad, just because i love her so much, and i know that one day she will have to leave. she is a teenager and she won't want to stay here forever. eventually she will go somewhere and live on her own. i will just have to accept it and move on when it happens i guess.

madison's POV

i walk downstairs and hear amelia crying. i never really see amelia cry and i feel really bad. it was probably about the drug thing earlier and i tried my hardest to make her believe me. maybe she thinks i am high. i head into the living room and sit on the sofa next to amelia. i don't say anything, but i just hug her. hopefully i can help make her feel better. after a few minutes, she still doesn't say anything.

"amelia, i am so sorry. i promise i told you the truth, and i don't know if you believe me, but if it will make you feel better, take me to the hospital and do one of those drug test things. i don't care. i won't think that you are a horrible person, nothing you do will ever make me think that. i will always love you, i promise."

"how do you always know what i am thinking?" she says giving me a hug. "but thank you" we sit in silence just snuggling on the sofa for a while.

"i believe you. you don't have to do a tox screen, i would never make you do that unless i was really worried."

"thank you amelia. i love you."

"i love you more." i honestly don't know how i got so lucky to meet amelia. she literally walked up to a bench and talked to me and now i live at her house and she is like my mum. i do kind of want her to be my mum. she will probably want to get rid of me soon enough, but i guess that is how it will be. i will buy my own house or something and move out when i have the money. i will have to get a job that works around school. omg school. i can't go back to school now. everyone hates me already and my life is so much better with amelia. only josh knows about amelia and what has happened to me over the past three weeks.

"amelia, what do i do about school?" i ask.

"well, i guess we can do what you want. where did you used to go?"

"the high school in the town centre. but i hated it there. i can't go back. everyone hates me and they only know me when i am high. amelia please don't make me go back."

"you don't have to go back if you don't want to. i promise. there is always the homeschooling program that we could do. the hospital also does this thing where you can get early doctor training. so like all of your lessons are about everything you would learn in med school just simplified. that's only really an option if you are thinking of becoming a doctor though."

"i don't really know what i want to do. but the hospital is so much fun and i do love it there. it would be pretty cool to work there, but i would have a pretty big expectation to live up to. i mean, people will expect me to be as good as you, and that must be pretty hard. you are like the best neurosurgeon i have heard of."

"thank you" she smiles, "my brother was pretty good too, i loved working with him." i know not to ask much about her brother. it was quite a sensitive topic as even though he died a few years ago, and she has accepted it now, she told me she nearly relapsed because of it. she is looking after me and helping me stay sober, so i have to do the same for her.

"how about we think more about this closer to the time? you still have like 3 or 4 weeks of summer holiday"

"okay, i'm going to head to bed then. goodnight amelia." i hug her one last time before heading up to bed and falling asleep immediately.

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