chapter 10

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amelia's POV

i am hoping that madison is feeling a little better now. she had been going through withdrawal for the past few days and i feel awful for her. i know what it is like to go through that and it is really not fun. i didn't really have anyone to help me through it all the first time though, so i hope she appreciates everything i have done for her. i also really want to take her to the hospital one day, just for her to see what it is like. i come up with an idea that means i will have to take her to work with me today. i walk into her room to see if she is awake.

"hey madison, how are you feeling?" i ask

"generally more normal. i still have a headache but everything else is relatively okay. i don't feel like i'm going to throw up every 5 minutes so i guess that is a plus." i am glad she has got her humour back.

"i don't want to leave you alone because you are still a little bit ill, sooooooo...... do you want to come to the hospital with me today?" i ask with a huge smile on my face.

"umm i guess i can. i would be fine here though amelia, i can survive you know." she giggles.

"yes yes i know, but i want you to see where i work. please, please can you just come? and then i know you are safe as well. i won't worry about you if i know exactly what you are doing."

"fine fine, i'll come." yes! i am so excited to show her everything.

a couple hours pass and we are on our way to the hospital.

"i'm very excited to show you where i work" i say

"amelia, do you not think i have been able to tell that all morning? i know you're excited, and i am too! today is going to be fun" madison says with a smile on her face. i am so glad that she is happy again. when i met her, she was sad and lonely and now i have helped her turn her life around. she has got sober and is now doing everything she can to make her life better. i am so proud of her.

madison's POV

i look out of the window and spot the hospital. it looks incredible. amelia is so lucky that she gets to work here. i am quite intrigued about what she really does, like i know she is a brain surgeon, but i am excited to find out more.

amelia walks me into the hospital and takes me to the attendings lounge.

"stay here for a second, i am going to change into my scrubs" amelia walks off into another room and i am left there to entertain myself for a couple minutes. amelia doesn't take long and soon appears in front of me again.

"what do you think of the outfit?" she says, giving a little model walk.

"wow, it is just gorgeous" i say laughing

"are you judging my scrubs?" she frowns at me

"no no, they are just a little...plain" i say. suddenly, i hear a notification like noise.

"oh, i'm being paged, i have to go. stay here and i will be back and we can discuss this further."

"bye, have fun saving lives" i shout out the door. time to just wait i guess.

amelia's POV

"hello, are you dr shepherd?" i hear someone ask. i turn around to see a blonde woman i had never met before.

"yes, i am, and you are?"

"dr robbins, new head of peds. i have been here for a couple of weeks but apparently you have been away. glad you are back now though, i hear you are an amazing surgeon"

"well, i have heard nothing about you unfortunately but i'm sure you are an incredible surgeon." i smile, "anyways why did you page?"

dr robbins takes me to the paitent and i examine his brain. he is a 10 year old child with a brain tumour. looks like i could be doing a surgery today. after talking with dr robbins some more, i can't help but notice how gorgeous she is. i mean, i have met pretty doctors in the past, but wow, she is beautiful.

"dr shepherd?"


"why are you staring?" she asks. oh no, i'm screwed.

"i wasn't staring, i was just admiring your beauty" i say flirtatiously. i have never been this bold with anyone before.

"well, you are quite beautiful as well," she says smiling at me.

"i have to go, i am being paged to the pit." i am not actually being paged, but i had to get out of there before i said something i didn't want to. i haven't flirted with anyone in a really long time. i am going to have to work on my flirting skills. i head back up to the attendings lounge to find madison.

madison's POV

i had got bored of just waiting in the attendings lounge, so i took myself on a tour on the hospital. i don't leave the floor i am on, however i realise how huge this hospital is. i must have been walking around for at least an hour and i don't think i have been in the same area twice. then it occurs to me, what if amelia is looking for me? i try and head back to the attendings lounge, but i have absolutely no idea where it is. i try calling amelia, but my phone dies almost instantly and i begin to realise how dumb i was. why did i move? amelia is going to be so worried. i slide down the wall and sit there with my head in my hands.

"hey, are you okay?" i look up to see a blonde woman hovering over me.

"uh..yeah...sorry i am fine, do you know where the attendings lounge is?" i ask politely

"yeah but um, why do you want to go there?" the woman asks curiously

"oh yeah i probably should have explained that. i need to find amelia shepherd" i try not to say too much about my relationship with amelia because i don't exactly know who this woman is and what amelia has told people about me.

"any particular reason why?"

"please just take me to her, if you want to ask questions, please just ask amelia when you see her."

"okay then, follow me" she walks off and i follow her. we walk in silence until we get to the attendings lounge. i see amelia sat on the sofa on her phone. maybe she hadn't been worrying after all.

"dr shepherd, someone was looking for you" the woman says. amelia instantly turns around to face us.

"sorry dr robbins, but would you mind giving us a minute." she walks out the room quickly. "where on earth is your phone and why are you ignoring me?" amelia said, slowly raising her voice.

"i am so sorry, my phone is dead and i got lost. i know i shouldn't have left this room, but i got bored and so i just went for a walk, and then i got lost. i really didn't mean to i'm sorry." i say. amelia walks over to me and hugs me.

"please don't do that again, i thought you had gone to do something else" she whispers to me. i know exactly what she meant. she thought i went to do drugs.

"amelia, i promise i will never leave to do drugs, okay? i am really sorry for worrying you and i promise i will just do what you tell me in the future." i whisper back

"you are honestly incredible" amelia whispers back, making me smile.

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