chapter 44

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madison's POV

we all sit down around the table as mum brings the food over. i look at eden to make sure she is okay and she gives me a little nod, although she still looks nervous. i reach my hand out and stroke her arm before grabbing her hand and holding it in mine. she almost immediately seems to relax and i find that so cute. once we all have our dinner in front of us we start eating and talking. 

'so, eden, how's school going for you?' zona asks. 

'yeah it's good. could be better if mads was there but nevermind' we all giggle a little while i blush. i look down to try and hide it but when i look up mum catches my eye and smiles at me. she knows. 

'i think mads would agree wouldn't you? the way she talks about you eden honestly, you would think she's insane' mum says looking at me. she's so embarrassing. 

'do you really talk about me that much?' eddie says with the biggest smile on her face.

'maybe' i reply guiltily. i look straight back down at my food and continue eating to try and avoid even more embarrassment, even though i think eddie might find it cute. 

the conversation continues just as normal without any awkwardness which is good. i think eddie likes mum and zona, and they like her too, or at least i hope. i have no idea what i'll do if they don't because i can't leave eden now. 

as we finish up eating, i begin to clear away the dishes. 

'mads stop, go do something with eden, i'll clean this up' mum takes the plates out of my hand and gives me the look which means she's serious. i look at eden and she follows me to the lounge. 

'do you wanna watch something?' i ask. eden nods her head and i just select the play something button on my netflix account. a movie i've never watched before comes on called 'Perfect High.' eden says she hasn't seen it either so we sit down on the sofa next to each other and begin watching. i quickly move closer to eden and she wraps her arm around my shoulder so i can lean onto her. i feel so safe and cared for when i'm with her, almost makes me feel a similar way to how mum makes me feel. 

the movie is all about drugs and addiction and i can feel tears forming in my eyes. eden knows nothing about my past or anything, she doesn't even know that amelia isn't my real mum. thinking about everything makes me cry and i suddenly feel like i can't breathe. i hear myself struggling to take air in and my chest feels so tight. i sit up and eden kneels down in front of me while holding my hands in hers. 

'hey mads, you're okay. breathe for me okay? follow my breath.' she starts breathing heavily so i can follow her. i try to breathe with her but i can't. 

'amelia, arizona' eden shouts. i keep watching the film in the background and see the drugs on the table, triggering me more as to what i used to be like. 

amelia's POV

zona and i hear eden scream our names and immediately run towards the lounge. i walk in and see pills on the TV and realise whatever they're watching is about drugs, which is probably what has triggered mads' panic attack. i turn the TV off before crouching down next to eden and grabbing one of mads' hands. she slowly starts to calm down as she follows my breathing. i sit up on the sofa next to her and wrap her in my arms. 

'hey eden, let's give them a moment for a second.' zona says, luring eden out of the room to give us some privacy.

'i'm sorry mum' mads starts before i interrupt her. 

'mads, there is no need to apologise or explain yourself. i think i know what happened and that's completely normal okay? there is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed about it or anything.' she doesn't reply but snuggles into me more and her breathing starts to slow down more, coming back down to normal. 

'does eden know about your past?' i ask.

'no, she doesn't know anything' mads replies. 

'okay, do you want to tell her, or zona or i to tell her?' 

'i'll tell her. soon. just not right now' mads says, looking up at me for reassurance. 

'okay, of course that's fine, you can do it when you're ready' i say before pulling her closer to me and kissing her forehead.  'i love you bubs.' 

'i love you more.'

eventually we stand up and go into the kitchen where arizona and eden are just chatting. eden instantly comes up to mads and hugs her. 

'you okay mads?' 

'yes, i am.' they exchange a look before eden kisses her cheek. zona looks at me and mouths 'everything good?' i nod before mouthing back 'drugs.' she immediately understands and walks towards me, embracing me in a hug. i feel so special to be with someone who knows everything about me and how i'm feeling or what i want in every situation. i love my family. 

a/n - i'm so so sorry about how long it has taken me to update this and how awful this chapter is. i feel so unmotivated at the moment and so it just takes me longer to get something written. i'm incredibly grateful for the amount of support this book is getting and that really is what is keeping me writing, so thank you :) this book now has over 9.2k reads and 228 votes which is ridiculous. i never thought i would get here so thank you all for being so amazing and everything. i love you <33

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