chapter 49

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mads's POV

yesterday was an experience and ever since i have suggested therapy to mum and mama they have been looking for therapists and trying to find the perfect person for me, but apparently none of them are suitable enough. the longer they take to find someone, the more worried about it i am becoming. why does it matter so much which person does my therapy? i didn't realise that it was such a big deal...

i head downstairs to mum and mama cuddling on the sofa. they are so cute together - i actually love them so much. 

'hi bubs, come join our snuggle' mum says. i walk up to them and sit next to mum, snuggling into her while mama holds my hand that's draped over mum. after a few moments of silence, i approach the conversation of therapy.

'soooooo...i've been thinking, and i was wondering whether you had chosen me a therapist yet. I understand that this is a big deal for you guys because you want to make sure i don't have to switch therapists, however, i would rather just get started than spend all this time figuring it out because the longer we wait the longer i am stressing out about it and what is going to happen' i blurt out. mama rubs my hand to try and comfort me slightly.

'mads, I understand where you're coming from, but i just want you to know that we are only dragging it out because we care and we love you so much, we just want to make this process as easy as possible for you. therapy can be difficult, especially to start off with and get used to, particularly because you're not always the best at opening up and being vulnerable. despite that, we think that we might have found you a therapist. she works at grey-sloan and she is called sophie.' suddenly, mum jumps in.

'neither of us have ever met her, but if you're happy with her, zona and i will have a meeting with her to discuss how she approaches therapy and get to know her a little more to make sure she is definitely the right person for you. she is young, around my age, and has lots of past experience. she also specialises in children, which is a bonus.' 

'yeah, that sounds good' i say, trying to take in all the information they have told me. 'when will you have the meeting with her?'

mum says probably within the next few days, so my first appointment will be in around a week because one of her clients has just left so she has some space. although i am very apprehensive about this whole situation, i know that this is what i best for me and my family now, so i have to push through and get used to it. i snuggle with mum and mama for a little while longer before heading upstairs.

as soon as i get upstairs i call eddie to tell her about the past few days. we haven't been able to see each other in a while because of my drug incident at the hospital and then mum and mama wanting to keep me in their sight and eddie wasn't allowed to come over because her parents wouldn't let her, so we have just been face-timing every few days. she picks up after the first couple of rings and a massive smile appears on my face as soon as she appears on the screen,

'hi eddie! how are you doing? i miss you loads' i pout

'maddy moo, there is no way you miss me more than i miss you and your gorgeous face' she flirts

'hmmmm i'm not so sure my beautiful girl' i flirt back. i begin to tell her some of the things that had happened recently and open up a little bit about the past few days. i tell her about the drug incident briefly and she instantly fills me with comfort about it.

'maddy moo, i know that it is so difficult for you to resist drugs and i understand, but that doesn't mean that i like you any less and that doesn't take away from our relationship. whether you relapse, get close to relapsing or stay clean for the rest of your life, i will still like you as much as i do right now, maybe even more if that is even possible. i'm so proud of you maddy moo and this is such a big positive as you still didn't take the drugs. yes, you needed a little bit of help but that is the case sometimes and we all know that.' she is genuinely the sweetest person ever.

i begin to tell her about how i have said that i am willing to try therapy and she responds with the same positive attitude. and then she tells me something i never expected.

'maddy moo, you know that i go to therapy every week. i thought that it was going to be a really hard thing to do, but in reality, i adapted to it relatively quickly and now it is just a part of my daily routine. i promise you that it is nothing to stress about and you will get used to it soon. if you ever need anything maddy moo, whether it's to do with therapy or anything else, i am always here for you, you know that right?' she questions.

'yeah, i do, and I'm always here for you as well' i respond. there is a brief moment of silence before i speak up again. 'you don't know how badly i want to kiss you right now' 

'maddy moo, stop it, you just make me miss you even more.' we continue talking about recent events and throwing some flirting in every now and then before hanging up and agreeing to call again soon. after talking to eddie, i feel much calmer about therapy and the way things will work, which makes me like her even more because i know she can calm me down in almost every situation.

authors note: guys, i'm so so so so so sorry about the lack of updates. i know i said that i was going to start updating more like a year ago and that only lasted like a couple of chapters before i gave up again. i really want to finish this story off for you and just need to start building up the motivation and a routine like i used to have. i have a lot of school work to do at the moment and will do for quite a while but I'm going to try at get chapters out as quickly as possible to make up for it. i love you all so much and thank you for all the love and support even while i've been away.

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