chapter 51

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amelia's POV

i had been thinking about this for a long time and i am finally ready to do this. i know zona will say yes, well i'm pretty certain. i love her endless amounts and i think she loves me a similar amount. i have wanted to marry her for a while, but marriage is a big step and i've just been contemplating it, making sure it is definitely what i want to do i guess.

i slowly push open the doors to mads room so that i can speak to her about all this.

'morning my baby girl' i whisper, watching her turn over to look at me.

'morning mum' she replies sleepily. i sit on the side of her bed and rub my hand along her back gently.

'what do you think about going ring shopping with me today?' mads immediately bolts up and grins at me widely.

'serious?' she questions.

'very serious. i want to marry her mads, so much.' mads squeals as silently as possible, making me feel warm inside. my family is so perfect and getting married is just exactly the right step for us now.

mads jumps out of bed and runs into the bathroom and i hear her brushing her teeth. someone is obviously very excited then.

i go to get fully ready myself and walk down the stairs to see mads patiently waiting there. i hope zona has not seen her this morning as she would be very curious.

madison's POV

i can't believe mum wants to marry mama. i mean it's not a shock they are so so so in love and i'm so excited for the wedding already. i know it's going to happen, obviously mama will say yes - i don't see a reason why she wouldn't.

mum comes downstairs and we head off, telling mama that we're just going shopping for fun while she's at work. she doesn't seem suspicious which is good.

once we get to the shopping centre, i almost want to just run in because i'm so excited. i know this is mums decision and she gets to choose which ring we actually end up buying, but i'm just so happy that my mums are getting married!

'calm down mads,' mum says, smiling at how excited i am. she walks extra slowly to the jewellery shop to force me to slow down and when we eventually get there, i immediately start browsing. there's one with a gorgeous silver jewel and one with a diamond but mum said that was too expensive. every single one i looked at i wanted to buy for mama. i know she would be happy with absolutely anything because she'll just be over the moon that mum wants to marry her.

after choosing many different rings and mum casting them aside because of price or because she thought mama would like one of the other ones better, we finally chose one. we settle on a relatively plain ring. it has a single silver band with a small square diamond that mum eventually agreed to, though it took a lot of convincing.

we buy the ring and do a little more shopping just to show mama that we went out to do what we said we would and it made our excuse more reliable. i couldn't help but notice that mum wouldn't stop smiling on the way home either. she is just so happy with the idea of marrying mama and when mum is happy it makes me happy.

arizona's POV

mils and mads had been out for a while and i am beginning to worry where they could have gone. they said they were just going shopping for some clothes but that doesn't usually take this long.

as soon as i hear the keys turning in the door i rush there and open it. both mads and mils are incredibly smiley and i start to get curious about why this is. before i can even come up with an idea, mils grabs my waist and kisses me passionately.

'i love you so much it's insane' mils says before kissing me again. i push her away slightly to allow myself to speak.

'i love you too, what's gotten into you?' i giggle, loving her even more when she's like this.

'nothing, i just missed you a lot.' she kisses me again, slowly pushing me into the wall.

'not now. later' i whisper seductively, pulling away and heading towards the kitchen to find mads.

i walk into the kitchen and find mads unpacking the stuff she bought. she begins showing me everything, including the crazy amount of clothes mils had let her buy. she looks so excited though so i can partly understand how mils couldn't resist, although it must have been a lot of money.

after she's finished with her haul she walks up to me and gives me a massive hug.

'i love you so much mama' she says.

'mads bubs i love you too' i respond. obviously they both missed me a lot today. suddenly the doorbell rings and mads gets up to answer it pretty quickly. she opens the door but doesn't open it wide enough for me to see who is actually there. she sneaks through the small gap she had made before shutting the door behind her. what is she up to?

madison's POV

i open the door and see eddie standing there looking incredibly upset. i don't let her in the house because i don't think she would want mum or mama to see her in this state. i wrap her in a massive hug immediately and she begins to sob into my shoulder. i rub her back and she just holds onto me tighter.

'eddie baby what's wrong?' i question...

authors note: sorry not sorry about the cliffhanger :)

sorry it's been a bit of time since the last update, for some reason i really struggled writing this chapter (as you might be able to tell with the awful writing 😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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