small update

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i'm really really sorry that i haven't updated in AGESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. i kinda lost ideas for this story and lost my love for writing it, so i just stopped for a bit and i stopped writing for much longer than i thought i would. however, i have kinda been reading more stuff on here recently and it has made me want to write more so i want to try and get back into this story.

i don't remember exactly everything that has happened so i am going to take the time to read it all back through and i don't know how long this is going to take but i'll try and do it as quickly as possible as i know you've been waiting a long time to get a new chapter. as soon as i've re-read it i'll start writing a new chapter and it shouldn't take more than a day to get a new one out. 

i will warn you now that i have my gcse's coming up over the next few months so updates will probably not be regular and so you'll have to bear with me until the summer, again i'm so sorry :(

i hope you're still enjoying the story and if you have anything you want to see in the future please don't hesitate to let me know :)

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