chapter 25

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madison's POV

i'm so confused what took mum so long. i mean she was supposed to be here half an hour ago. i get straight into the car and mum looks at me. 

"i really didn't mean for this to happen. i am sorry, really i am, i just" she blurts out

"you just what? what was so important that you had to leave me here for almost 30 minutes?" i argue.

"i, nothing. i don't know what else to say other than i'm sorry. i lost track of time and i have no other excuse and i am really sorry."

"your shift finished at 3. please just tell me mum, what were you doing?" i beg her to be honest with me. all i want to know is what was more important than me right now. usually she is so good at timing and making sure i'm okay and everything. she hadn't even texted me to tell me she was going to be late. 

"okay, you want me to be honest. i was with someone, doing stuff." tears begin to form in my eyes. i knew there were people who were more important than me, and i told myself i wouldn't let mum change her life just for me, i just have to accept it. "mads, i am so so sorry, please believe me when i say that. i love you and it will never happen again. i promise." i ignore her.

soon enough we arrive home and i head straight up to my room. i don't want to talk to mum any more than i have to. she forgot about picking me up because she was too busy having "fun" with someone. i know she hasn't been a mother for long, but i thought she would realise how much that hurts. she just doesn't get it. i already felt worthless, and now she has just shown how little she cares about me. 

"mads, dinner" mum shouts. 

"i don't want any" i shout back downstairs and go back into my room. 

amelia's POV

i feel awful. mads is so upset by how late i was, and why i was late. i wanted to lie to her, to try and protect her from this, but i knew she would somehow find out anyway, no matter what. i realise how badly i've messed up when she doesn't even want dinner. i still go upstairs and knock on her door, just to see if she is willing to talk. 

"go away mum, i don't wanna talk right now." she calls out. 

"i'm sorry mads. i'll leave your dinner out here." i place the plate of chicken curry on the floor and head back downstairs. i crawl up on the sofa and feel tears forming in my eyes. how have i gone so wrong? i'm an awful mother and there is nothing i can do to fix it. mads won't let me talk to her, and i have nothing more to say, other than i'm sorry. i just want my daughter back. 

eventually i decide to call arizona. i miss her already and i want to see her. she picks up almost immediately. 

"hi amelia, how are you?" she asks

"not good, i need you arizona, please come"

"i'm on my way, i promise. see you soon babe." i hang up the phone and feel slightly relieved. i really don't know if arizona was the best person to call seeing as she is the reason i was late to picking up mads but anyway... i want her company. 

suddenly the door bell rings and i immediately get up to open it. as soon as arizona sees my tear stained face, she rushes in to hug me. i cry into her arms as she just holds me, trying to calm me down. i've never felt like this, just awful and horrible, well not recently anyway. arizona slides down the wall so we are sat on the floor. she never lets go of me, trying to calm me down. eventually, my tears stop flowing.

"i'm so sorry arizona" i say

"what are you sorry for? amelia what happened?"

"mads, mads is so upset or angry or i don't really know but i told her why i was late and now she won't talk to me." i cry 

"okay, do you want me to try to talk to her?"

"no, i don't think that's the best idea" 

"well i'm always here to help if you need anything." she says as she leans down to kiss my head. we move to the sofa and snuggle up together. after a while i turn my head towards arizona and gently kiss her. 

madison's POV

i take the plate of curry and eat it. it does taste really good but i'm not going to admit that to mum. after crying a lot about what happened, i decide to head downstairs to talk to mum. i feel awful about ignoring her all evening and i just want to say sorry. 

as soon as i enter the living room i see mum kissing dr robbins. 

"oh so this is exactly what you were doing?" i say, about to burst into tears. "i was coming down to say sorry and ask if we can pretend nothing ever happened, but i don't think that's an option anymore." i cry before running back upstairs. 

"mads, mads please, please come back!" i hear mum shout. i can't believe she decide to invite dr robbins over for sex when i was crying upstairs in my room. i know she tried to talk and i ignored her but i just needed a little bit of space. i don't really know how to feel about it all anymore. i love mum and i miss talking to her and just hanging out, but i just thought i was a little bit more important to her than i obviously am. i want to fix things, but i'm just not ready yet. i used to quite like dr robbins but i don't know anymore. i mean none of this was really her fault because mum should have been keeping track of time but i still don't like her. it is going to take some time for her to get on my good side again. 

author's note:
i'm so sorry for the slow update, i have been busy with friends and family because it was my birthday recently. i'll try and get the next chapter out as soon as possible. 

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