chapter 24

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madison's POV

today is my first day back at school. i have really enjoyed my summer with mum and it will be nice to have a fresh start somewhere where i know no one. i am looking forward to making some new friends and i'm just hoping that everyone will be kind and welcoming because that will make joining a new school much easier.

after walking downstairs i see mum who has prepared me a "first day of school" breakfast as she likes to call it.

"thanks mum." i say as i sit down at the table.

"no problem, are you excited?"

"yeah of course, although i am slightly nervous that people aren't going to like me and whatever"

"mads, you are like impossible not to like. i'm sure everything will be fine" mum says.

i finish my pancakes and grab my folders and bags and get into the car. mum drives me to the gates of the school.

"do you want me to drive you in or are you too cool for that?" mum laughs

"you can drive me in, just don't go right up to the school." she drives into the car park and parks by a bush around the edge. i step out of the car and begin to walk off towards the school.

"excuse me, where do you think you're going?" mum suddenly says loudly.

"umm to school?" i reply puzzled.

"not without a hug you're not." mum wraps her arms around me and pulls me towards her chest for a hug. "have the most amazing day and i shall see you at the hospital later."

"i can't go and have a good day if you don't let go of me." i laugh.

"i don't want to. i love you" mum finally releases me from her grip and lets me wander off into school. i get a few weird stares as i walk down the corridor, but ignore them and successfully make it to the classroom i need to get to. i sit down in a seat near the back and get myself prepared for the day.

amelia's POV

after dropping mads at school i drive myself to the hospital and head straight to the neuro wing. i am already a little bit late due to the amount of time i spent saying goodbye to mads. it was weird because usually i would be the one leaving but today she left me and i know i will be entertained all day with patients and everything but i really hope she has a good first day.

i get paged to the peds floor which makes me a little bit excited because i get to see arizona again. it hasn't been that long since i last saw her at mads' 30 day sober party but i miss her. i know i have a little bit of a crush on her, but i don't fully know how she feels about me, whether i'm just a thing on the side which isn't serious or whether she has the same intentions as me. i really want her to be my girlfriend eventually, but i'm not sure if now is the right time.

soon enough, i see arizona walking towards me with her usually bubbly smile on her face. i feel myself smile more and more the closer she gets to me.

"good morning amelia" she says, making me realise how nervous i get when i see her.

"hey arizona, do you need something?" i ask. like usual, she needs a consult on a patient of hers. luckily for the young boy, there was no neuro damage, but it means that i don't get to scrub in on a surgery with arizona. i desperately want to spend time with her, and i can never stop thinking about her when she is not around. i barely know her and i'm already like this. i don't even know what to do anymore.

at the end of my shift, i am paged to the peds floor, again. i notice that it is a personal page this time, rather than a general neuro page, so, as i'm curious if it has something to do with arizona, i head up even though technically i'm not working anymore. as soon as the elevator doors open i spot arizona waiting for me. she gives me the cutest smile as i walk towards her.

"hi amelia" she says flirtatiously.

"hey, everything okay?"

"yeah, yeah everything is fine. could be a lot better though" arizona hints. i grab her arm and drag her to the nearest empty patient room. i smoothly wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close.

"will this make it any better?" i say before leaning in to kiss her. she places her hands on my cheeks and i feel her soft lips against mine. the butterflies i always feel around arizona appear in my stomach as i move my hands up her back. her tongue brushes against my bottom lip, asking for entry and i immediately let it.

eventually i pull away and look into her gorgeous eyes.

"why'd you stop?" arizona frowns

"you know why, babe. i have to go get mads. she finished school" i check my phone "fuck, she finished 15 minutes ago. i really got to go." i give her a quick peck before turning around and heading out.

"bye amelia, i'll miss you"

"i'll miss you too" i say looking back at her. i blow her a kiss before shutting the door.

madison's POV

today wasn't the best first day. i was kinda just ignored and left to myself which i guess was better than being picked on or whatever but it just doesn't feel great. i have been waiting for mum for almost 10 minutes now and she still hasn't turned up. i know she is working, but she told me her shift finishes at 3 so she has half an hour to get herself together and collect me.

at almost 4, i finally see mum's car pull up in the car park.

"i'm so so so so so sorry" she mum blurts out as she arrives.

"where on earth have you been?" i ask. i really am curious as to what took her so long to get here, when the hospital is literally just around the corner.

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