chapter 22

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amelia's POV

i haven't seen mads in quite a while, and i doubt i have just been in the wrong room at all times. i am convinced she has disappeared off somewhere. after walking through the house once more i know she isn't around. i walk up to arizona.

"hey, can you keep an eye out for mads please?" i ask her

"yeah of course, why though?"

"i haven't seen her in a while and i'm just worried."

"awww amelia, don't be worried" arizona wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a hug. her embrace always make me feel so safe. "the last time i saw her she was heading towards the study"

"thank you, i'll be back soon" i walk off in the direction arizona said and went straight to the study. i highly doubt mads is in here but i check just in case. i make my way down the corridor, quickly checking every room before i make it to the bathroom. if she isn't in here she must have run off upstairs. i knock on the door and slowly push it open. it will be quite awkward if someone other than mads is in here.

i poke my head around the door and am shocked by what i see. mads was lying on the floor, covered in bruises and red scratches everywhere. what the fuck happened.

"mads, mads are you okay? what happened? can you hear me?" i say rapidly.

"mhmm" mads replies. i can tell she is in so much pain. i scoop her up in my arms, although she tries to fight and push me away i manage to carry her upstairs. i have to say she is a lot lighter than i thought she would be..i grab some of my oversized clothes and dress her, trying to cause as little pain as possible. although i could easily walk downstairs, i don't want to leave mads alone so i call arizona.

"amelia aren't you literally in the same house as me?" she asks when she picks up.

"arizona, i-i" it suddenly hits me what had happened and how i felt. tears begin flowing from my eyes.

"hey amelia, calm down, tell me what's wrong"

"i need you to get everyone out the house, and come to the bedroom, quick, please"

i sit on the bed with mads. she is weak and limp and i can tell she is in so much pain. i'm not sure if she needs to go to the hospital but half of the best doctors in seattle are in this house anyway, so they can all help. soon enough arizona appears in the doorway.

"all the kids are gone, omg, what happened? madison?" arizona looks panicked. "do you want me to take a look at her?"

"uhh, yes, please, i-arizona what am i supposed to do? i think she might have been raped, and she needs a wash. she's in so much pain, and i think it hurts for her to talk." i move mads off of my lap and put a pillow under her head. arizona comes and sits on the bed next to me.

"amelia, look at me. everything is going to be okay. you have done everything you can to try and make her comfortable. there are multiple doctors downstairs who are all able to help, and i promise that everything will be okay." she wraps her arms around me and i instantly feel calmer.

after arizona had given mads a look over, we established that she possibly has a few broken ribs and needs to be on bedrest for a couple days. that seems to be the only proper injuries she has gained, other than the bruises and scratches all over her body. i still don't actually know what happened to her. i can make a few guesses, but i do want to know what actually happened, when and how. i was literally in the same house, how did i miss this?

madison's POV

when i open my eyes, i see mum sat on the bed with me. i try to sit up towards her, but i feel like i have been stabbed in the stomach. i let out a shout of pain.

"mads, hey you're awake. how are you feeling?"

"mum, i-i was raped, by josh. he was high. i tried to stop him, i tried to fight back but i couldn't. he shoved me against the bathroom wall and i fell limp to the floor. i don't really remember anything else. i'm so sorry mum." i burst into tears as i realise what exactly had happened to me.

"shushhh, calm down, it's okay. there is nothing you should be sorry for. you did absolutely nothing wrong. i promise."

"hey madison, you're awake" jo says as she walks into the room with dr robbins.

"here's some ice for your ribs. anything else you need?" dr robbins asks

"um, no. i-um-i think that i'm okay" it's so nice how much they all care for me even though i haven't actually known them that long. i try and move so that i can rest my head on mum's chest but i can't. it is way too painful to move.

"everything hurts" i complain

"i know, but all i can do is ice your injuries and keep you comfortable. we have all agreed that you don't need to be hospitalised, mainly because i'm a doctor and there are enough doctors in this house right now who can monitor you. you are going to be fine, i promise mads." mum always knows how to calm me down. she really is the best.

amelia's POV

i feel so bad for mads, and i'm not really sure what else i can do to help her. arizona keeps telling me i have done everything, but i just feel like i need to do more. i can't just let her lie here in pain. i have given her some pain meds, but i really don't want to give her anything else just because of the risk. i guess i just have to wait and see how she recovers.

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