chapter 5

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amelia's POV

finally, we make it back to the car. i see meredith and maggie leaning against it, talking quietly to each other. they look up and see me. they look worried. how long have i been gone?

"hey guys, madison, this is meredith and maggie, my sisters" i say. madison looks up and smiles at them. i turn to madison, "hop in the car, i need to talk to them for a second"

"okay" madison says obediently as she opens the car door.

"okay, so she is high" meredith and maggie's faces instantly fill with panic and shock. they look between one another and back at me. "i'm fine, don't worry about me. we just need to get her back to my house and put her to bed. that is what i needed when i was in this situation. i think i know how i can help her." i say

they stay silent but get in the car and i get in the backseat. madison leans her head on my shoulder and looks as though she is about to fall asleep.

"amelia" she whispers. "i don't feel well"

"hey, we are almost home, then i will get you into bed and everything will be okay." i hope she is going to be okay anyways. i can't have her throwing up in meredith's car. as soon as we get to my house she runs out of the car and into the house.

"thank you for everything this evening, i will talk to you tomorrow" i say to meredith and maggie as i chase madison inside.

"we're coming inside" maggie says and she turns the engine off

"fine then" i shout back. i hear her in the downstairs bathroom throwing up in the toilet.

"omg madison, are you okay?" i get on my knees and pull her hair behind her head. i rub her back and she doesn't stop throwing up.

eventually, she leans back and i assume she is done. i try to help her up but she refuses.

"i'm so sorry amelia. can i just stay here for a bit just in case?" she asks

"it's okay, and yes of course. i'll sit here with you as long as you need" i say

after a couple minutes she stands up and walks towards the bedroom. i follow her, help her take off her clothes and put something new on. she climbs into bed and looks towards me.

"amelia, i'm so so sorry" she says with tears in her eyes. "thank you so much. you are incredible" i sit next to her on the bed.

"madison, you don't have to thank me for anything. i will be here for you, always" i say before leaving, allowing her to sleep in peace.

when i get downstairs, meredith and maggie give me a look, the type of look that means 'we need to talk'

"okay go ahead, ask away" i say slightly annoyed.

"did you know about the drugs, before you brought her in?" maggie asks

"no i had absolutely no idea until i found her this evening. i wasn't expecting her to find her in the state she was in. i'm glad i found her when i did though, she has taken a lot tonight and i doubt she will feel well tomorrow. also, there was this boy with her, josh. he wasn't high but he seems to know a decent amount about drugs and madison. i think he might be her dealer."

"you think she does this sort of thing often then?" meredith says

"i think she might be an addict. i'm not sure though, obviously, i know all about addiction so i am hoping i can help her recover if she is" i say. "is that all?"

"yes, for tonight. please call us if you need anything. you know we are here to help." maggie says before walking out the door. i head upstairs and get into bed. it has been a long day.

madison's POV

i wake up, turn over and look at the clock on the bedside table. it reads 4:23am. i try and fall back asleep but nothing works. i drag myself out of bed and head downstairs. i know my way around amelia's house pretty well know and as i sit down on the sofa i remember everything that happened last night. amelia found me high in the forest, wow i must have looked awful. she still brought me home though. maybe she does actually care about me? i turn on the TV and flick through some channels.

"morning madison! how long have you been up" amelia says, startling me.

"hey! since about 5am. i just couldn't get back to sleep so i came downstairs. i hope you don't mind" i reply.

"no no it's fine. anything you wanna do today?"

"can i go meet up with josh?" i ask. amelia hesitates before replying.

"as long as you promise to come back, and that you won't do drugs." she says. i would always come back, but i don't think i would be able to not do drugs. after a short pause i reply.

"okay, i can do that"

"just let me know when you're leaving please, and what time you're coming back" amelia says. i get ready to leave and head out after saying goodbye

amelia's POV

madison left a while ago and i am now alone again. i am really hoping she comes back because i desperately don't want to have to go searching for her again. i would rather her come back high than not come back at all, but i hope she stays sober. it won't shock me if she does come back high because i found it so hard to resist oxy when i was in this situation so if she is addicted to drugs, then i guess i can understand.

madison's POV

i walk towards the park and see josh. we talk for a while and then suddenly, he asks the question i had been dreading.

"do you wanna do drugs with me?" i'm not shocked, i mean i was kind of expecting it at some point, but i had promised amelia that i wouldn't do drugs again when i was out. however, here i am, about to do drugs again. i hesitate for a long time, thinking about what amelia said.

"okay fine. but i'm only taking one." i finally say. he hands me a pill and i swallow it. soon after, i feel happy again and i don't have to think about everything anymore. josh takes many more pills but i manage to restrict myself to 4. although i know i have broken my promise to amelia, i hope she understands how hard it is. i think i am an addict and she probably won't understand what it is like but i just really hope she tries.

it was about 4pm now and i have been out with josh all afternoon. i feel as though i should go back to amelia's house but i don't want her to know i am high. i eventually decide that she probably would not notice and begin to head back to her house.

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