chapter 17

613 13 1

amelia's POV

after the events of yesterday i knew mads just needed to come home and get away from the hospital, so that is exactly what we did. i texted arizona and told her not to say anything, and she told me nothing had been said to anyone, which i was very happy about. mads wanted to go back to the hospital today, for some unknown reason, and i have to work today anyways so i am willing to let her tag along.

as soon as we got to the hospital, mads immediately says goodbye and runs off. i am quite suspicious, but i put it out of my mind as i have surgeries to do.

madison's POV

today was mother's day, and even though i haven't been calling her mum for long, she had been my mum since day 1 and i have to do something to celebrate for her. my idea was to tell everyone at the hospital today and get them all involved. first person i need to talk to is dr robbins, seeing as she already knows. i leave mum in the lobby and head straight up to the peds wing.

"dr robbins" i say as a walk up to her

"hey madison, call me arizona. is everything okay?" she says

"yeah, everything's good, i just wanted to talk to you about something."

"okay, you can tell me anything but can i just ask why you don't want to talk to amelia?"

"it's nothing bad and you'll see why i can't tell amelia in a minute. basically, so you know how it's mother's day and amelia is my mum now, i want to do something to celebrate. and i also want to share the news with the hospital. amelia has been wanting to tell everyone, she is so excited, but i didn't let her tell people and so today everyone is going to know."

"omg madison that is so sweet. what exactly do you want me to help with?"

"well i want to set up the attendings lounge as a space to celebrate, but i need to keep amelia and as many of her friends as possible out all day, i'm going to talk to the chief so he can make everyone's schedules are as busy as possible, but please can you just try and keep people out of there as much as you can?"

"yes of course, i will do everything i can. you better get going to start up your plans, but i will catch up with you later to see how things are going. bye"

arizona walks off and i head towards dr webber's office. i ask him to sort out everyone's schedules and he is so proud of the mother-daughter thing. i can't wait for amelia to see this. i head into the attendings lounge and see dr wilson sat there.

"dr wilson, do you think you could help me with something?" the more people that could help me keep everyone out of here the better.

"yeah, oh hey madison, what with?"

"yeah, i just need some help with something. please can you try and keep as many people out of here as possible today. i'm trying to do something for amelia and i don't want everyone to find out. things spread pretty quickly in this hospital."

"yeah of course, am i allowed to know what it is if i promise not to tell anyone?"

"umm yeah i guess. today is mother's day, and i now call amelia mum so i thought i should do something fun and i want to announce it to the hospital and all of amelia's friends today."

"that's so cute madison, i will do my best." dr wilson says as she walks out the room. okay, time to start decorating.

arizona's POV

i am so excited to be a part of madison's mother's day surprise plan. i mean, she is so kind and does everything she can to make amelia happy. i can tell how proud amelia is of her for everything she does, they are just so cute together. i have to say i am a little bit jealous. i may or may not want to know amelia as well as madison does...

while standing near the neuro wing, i see amelia heading in the direction of the attendings lounge.

"dr shepherd" i call down the corridor

"arizona, call me amelia, please. did you want something? i am just heading to the attendings lounge to catch up with mads" shit, i need to distract her.

"um, i wanted to talk to you about a patient, do you mind coming with me for a second?"

"yeah of course, mads can wait, i'm sure she is probably watching a surgery somewhere anyways" amelia says. good, the plan is working.

madison's POV

i had got dr robbins and dr wilson to text all of amelia's friends and ask them to come to the attendings lounge at 6:45pm because that is when amelia said she would be off work. the attendings lounge was now all prepared and no one other than dr wilson and dr robbins had been in here all day. i am very grateful for their distractions. i guess it is just time to wait for amelia to appear now.

amelia's POV

today has been really busy. i haven't had a chance to see mads all day and i feel really bad to leave her alone all day. she has been texting me and so i know she is all okay. i guess it is motherly instinct to worry about her, she is my daughter after all. it feels weird to say that. i mean, it has only been a day that she has technically been my daughter, but it feels like forever. i love her so much and i can't believe how lucky i am to have her as a daughter.

finally, at 6:30pm, i am finally able to go to the attendings lounge to see mads. it is a little earlier than i thought i would be off, but i'm sure mads will be excited to see me. i have to admit, i have missed her all day. she must have been really lonely and i feel really bad. hopefully she has found something to distract herself. when i get to the attendings lounge, it all looks slightly different. i don't know what it is but i am quite confused. when i open the door i see mads and arizona stood in their talking to each other. there were balloons, ribbons and flowers all over the room. then i realised what they were for...

"happy mother's day" mads screamed as she ran towards me. "i love you so much, and i assume you are all okay with telling the whole hospital today because otherwise we have to take down all these decorations within the next 10 minutes. i stand there speechless. wow, she really is amazing.

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