chapter 16

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amelia's POV

omg omg omg, she said it. i had been waiting for it to happen and i knew it was going to happen soon, but now she had actually done it. wow, i don't really know how to react. i can't stop myself smiling. i'm not sure if she meant to say it but i still can't believe that she actually just said that. i can feel tears welling up in my eyes, i am so lucky to have someone like mads in my life.

"amelia, are you okay? did i say something?" i debate whether to tell her or not.

"you just called me mum." she notices the tears in my eyes. 

"amelia, i'm really sorry. obviously it was a bit too soon. i didn't mean to" mads says instantly. 

"omg, no, it was perfect timing. i loved it, and i love you. i was just thinking about how lucky i am to have you in my life, and gained such an incredible child. and i know you meant it, even if you didn't mean to say it. tomorrow, you are coming to the hospital with me, please?" i ask

"wait really! and yeah i definitely do mean it. i haven't been in ages, why are you taking me?" she asks

"because, i want to tell people that you are my child, and introduce us as family i guess." mads starts to cry a little now too. "please tell me these are happy tears." 

"yes, yes of course amelia, mum, i'm luckier by the way, to have you in my life. you're the best." we were now both crying so i pull her into a hug and whisper in her ear. 

"i will always be luckier, and i will always win, because mums always win." i feel her tighten the hug as we watch TV on the sofa. 

madison's POV

we drive up to the hospital and i get more and more excited. i haven't been here in a while and i love it so much there. most of the people at the hospital know who i am now, they just don't know that she is now my mum. well, she i guess has been for like 4 weeks, but now it's a little more official i guess. i'm scared of what they will think though because i think mum told them all that i was only staying for a little while, but now i'm kinda staying for much longer and i call her mum, so there have been a lot of dramatic changes. suddenly i hear a knock on the window. 

"everything okay?" mum asks as i open the car door. "if you are not ready for this then we can just say you were bored and didn't want to be left home alone. you have come here before with no real reason so it won't be suspicious."

"how do you always know how to make me feel better? and i'm really sorry, i know you were really excited for this. it's just all a little overwhelming." 

"because, i am your mum, and i know everything." it makes me feel so special that she called herself my mum. i know she loves it so much. 

"thank you, for everything." i step out the car and give her a hug before we enter the hospital. like normal, i head straight to the attendings lounge and mum heads off to see her patients. 

mum <3: i'll meet you back at the attendings lounge around 1 for lunch if that's okay?

me: yes, that is fine. see you later :)

i have some time to fill, so i head to the galleries to watch some surgeries. i see a little of one of meredith's surgeries which looked quite cool. i had been thinking about surgery recently, and med school. i think it would be quite fun being a surgeon. i would definitely be a peds surgeon if it happened. i love working with children so having it as my job would be my favourite thing in the world! i'm no where near smart enough though, and with everything i've been thought i don't know if i'm capable of something like that. i know mum was the same as me and managed to make it, but i just don't know if i can do the same. 

suddenly, on my way back to the attendings lounge, i bump into someone i have never seen before. 

"hey, you're madison right?"

"um yeah, i am. who are you exactly?"

"oh i'm so sorry. i'm dr wilson, jo."

"well hello i guess." i hear a beeping noise coming from dr wilson's pocket. "it's okay if you are being paged, someone probably needs your help."

"thank you! hopefully i will see you again soon"

dr wilson seems quite nice, i wouldn't complain if i bumped into her again. i finally head back to the attendings lounge before mum finds out i have been exploring and didn't let her know. eventually, i fall asleep on the sofa. 

"mads, mads wake up." i hear as i am shaken awake. "sorry i took so long, we can go have lunch together if you haven't already eaten."

"hey mum" suddenly i hear someone gasp. shit, someone else must be in here. i wasn't really thinking and i just said it and now i know i have made a mistake. i immediately sit up and try to see who it is. it is dr robbins, smiling uncontrollably. obviously she is happy for amelia. i don't know whether to cry, or to be happy. i may have just ruined the way amelia wanted to tell people. information spreads around this hospital so quickly that everyone would know about the mum thing within an hour. 

amelia's POV

mads looks like she is about to burst into tears. 

"arizona, do you mind leaving us alone for a second?" i ask

"yes, of course, i'll see you later." she winks at me as she walks out the door. i instantly turn to look at mads, who now has tears streaming down her face. 

"mads, you did absolutely nothing wrong. please believe me when i say that. why are you upset?"

"i've just ruined whatever plans you had on how you wanted to tell people. and now everyone is going to think that you have ruined your life by taking in a random teenage girl off the streets with a drug addiction who now lives with you and calls you mum." i sit down next to her on the sofa and give her a hug. 

"i had no plans so it really doesn't matter. i don't mind if people find out, i was just being cautious of you and i know arizona won't say anything unless i have specifically told her it is okay, which i haven't. i don't care what people think of me, and as soon as they get to know you, they will discover that there is a clear reason i want to keep you around. also, you're a recovering addict now and have been sober for a couple weeks, which i am so proud of you for by the way. there is no need for you to worry about any of this, okay?"

"okay, i guess" i feel awful, mads is so upset about this just because she cares about me and how i wanted to tell people. she really is the best daughter in the world.

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