chapter 19

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amelia's POV

i haven't seen arizona since the kiss. i thought it was amazing, but i think she might have been avoiding me and i don't really know what to do about it. i am supposed to be working on a peds case today which i am really looking forward to because hopefully i will involve working with arizona. i just have to try not to get distracted by her incredibly hot body, and soft lips, and gorgeous face and wow i need to stop otherwise i will never be able to focus. i am definitely crushing on this girl.

"mum!" i hear mads shout from upstairs. omg i have to tell mads at some point, about arizona. then it occurs to me, she doesn't even know i am bisexual. well that will be an interesting conversation one day.

"yes, what do you need?" i shout as i run up the stairs.

"i just wanted to ask if i could come to the hospital with you today? otherwise i am going to get really bored here by myself."

"yes of course, was it really so urgent to make me run up the stairs for you?"

"no, but it makes me laugh seeing you so out of breath just from running up the stairs" mads says

"sometimes, sometimes mads, you are a very annoying daughter."

"but you still love me so it's all good?" mads tries to convince me

"yes, yes i still love you and that makes up for it."

as soon as we get to the hospital i get nervous, what if arizona doesn't want to see me? is that why she has been avoiding me? my nerves are calmed when i walk up to the peds wing and the beautiful blonde woman leaning against the wall.

"morning robbins!" i say approaching her

"hello amelia, how have you been?"

"i've been good. you?"

"yeah good, could have been better though"

"what was wrong? anything i can help with?"

"yeah actually, i wanted to see you, every minute of every day"

"you are such a flirt arizona robbins" i say, "but i really like it" i whisper in her ear. i do not think i could ever find a more perfect woman. arizona grabs my arm and drags me to an on-call room.

"i have been waiting to do this for ages." arizona whispers. i can feel her warm breath on my face. she gently wraps her arms around me and kisses me softly.

"i forgot how amazing you are" i say, putting more into the kiss. arizona begins to put her hands under my scrub top and tries to pull it off but is unsuccessful. we laugh to ourselves and i help her take off my top and take off hers.

"you are so gorgeous" i say, glancing up and down her body.

"no need to stare amelia, and i could say the same about you" she smiles at me. i push her into the wall and begin kissing down her body. arizona lets out a small moan, turning me on. i slowly pull down her trousers and take a minute to admire her body before i pick her up and put her on the bed. i kiss her inner thigh before pull off her bra and panties to reveal her naked body. after a wonderful experience of pleasuring arizona, she shows me how it is done properly. we lay on the bed, her wrapped in my arms with her head on my chest. i continue to stare at her before we both get a 911 page to the pit.

"amelia, you are...unbelievable, just, i have no words."

"i'm glad i've left you speechless" i say before giving her a gentle kiss and leaving the room satisfied with my recent activities.

madison's POV

mum said she would likely be working all day on a new case so would barely have time to see me, but i don't mind. the hospital is a very interesting place so i am happy to just walk around and talk to some people i know. i bump into jo and have a brief conversation with her before she has to head off to surgery, which i decided to watch a bit of, but now i am rather bored. eventually, i decide to go on a hunt for mum to see what she is up to. i track her location from my phone and it leads me to an on-call room on the peds floor. what an earth is she doing in there? i go to knock on the door, but stop myself when i hear someone make a strange noise. omg someone is moaning. mum is in there, with someone, and they are doing it. my curiousity gets the best of me and i listen for a minute to try and figure out who it is, but the moaning stops before i can get a clear idea. i could definitely hear mum in there, but i have no idea who the other person is. i run away before mum could catch me lurking outside and head back to the attendings lounge so i don't look suspicious. while walking back i realise how uncomfortable i now feel.

as soon as i get there i see jo sat on the sofa

"hey jo!" i say, slighty out of breath

"hello there, why are you so out of breath?" she laughs

"oh no reason" i try and say as convincingly as possible

"you're definitely hiding something from me. come on, spill it."

"okay fine, but if i tell you anything, you do not say a word to anyone else. and i mean it"

"yes yes of course"

"i think i just caught my mum having sex in an on-call room. well i tracked her location to just go and say hi and it takes me to an on-call room on the peds floor and i hear moaning and-" i feel tears forming in my eyes. "why am i crying?" i laugh.

"oh madison, it's probably just because you are overwhelmed. i think you are overthinking this and worrying about your new family becoming more than just you and amelia, even though you don't realise it. everything will be okay, i promise, remember you can always come and talk to me about these things. i know we aren't really that close, but i want that to change, because i do quite like you." i crawl towards her on the sofa and she opens her arms wide. jo is really nice, and so easy to talk to. it's strange how much i trust her after only knowing her properly for a couple days.

"i wouldn't mind getting closer either." i say quietly, although i know she heard me because she gives me a little squeeze.

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