chapter 45

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amelia's pov

we gave mads a couple days so that she could calm down a little after she was triggered by the drugs. it was obvious that she had been embarrassed by the situation because since then she has been ridiculously quite and nothing like herself. it's hard to see her like this but she keeps telling me and zona that nothing is wrong and to just leave her alone. i'm hoping that she's going to sort whatever it is out by herself or talk to someone else about it because it's obviously not going to be us.

as i lay in bed with zona cuddled up against me, i think that maybe today is the day that we talk to mads about who zona is to her. she called her her parent the other day and so zona is desperate to ask where abouts they are in their relationship. i've held her off long enough but it doesn't look like mads' behaviour is going to change any time soon. hopefully this will fix it, at least a little.

when zona stirs awake i look into her pearly blue eyes and marvel at how beautiful my girlfriend is. absolutely stunning. she notices my staring and smiles lovingly at me, as i lean down for a gentle kiss. we both smile as the kiss ends and i hop out of bed and into the bathroom for a shower. i run the water to allow it to warm up and take off my clothes. just as i'm about to step into the shower zona opens the door and shuts it quickly behind her.


zona grabs my waist and pins me against the wall, kissing me more passionately than she ever has before. she snakes her arms around my waist and under my butt to pick me up and squeeze my butt as we kiss. how does this girl turn me on so much? suddenly, i drop my legs and turn zona around so i'm dominating. i almost rip off her clothes and she giggles at how excited i am.

'someone's horny this morning' she whispers.

'you started it' i whisper back, taking off her panties. i pepper her body with kisses, slowly making my way down her body, teasing her and avoiding where she wants me most. i make my way back up her legs and suck gently on her inner thigh.

'mils please i'm begging you' oh how i love to hear her begging for my love. my kisses trails up to her centre and i suck tenderly, making her moan loudly.

i carefully insert one finger and move it in and out gently before inserting another and going faster. she begins moaning louder and i rapidly stand up to kiss her to shut her up. my fingers still rub against her centre while my tongue plays with hers, soft moans often escaping into my mouth.

suddenly, zona moves us into the shower and begins playing with my tits.

'my turn now miss shepherd' she says flirtatiously. she licks her way down my body before finding my centre and fingering me roughly, just how i like it. i try my best to contain my moans but an occasionally few slip out. once i've come around her fingers, she slows down before slowly pulling them out and licking them sexually in front of me. i turn off the shower before we step out, zona first then me. i go to get my towel before she stops me with another passionate kiss.


'zona calm down. as much as i love having sex with you, we have other things to do today'

'like what' she replies, continuously trying to kiss me.

'like talking to mads about the parent thing' i smile.

'no way, finally' zona chucks a towel at me before quickly drying herself off and getting dressed. 'get a move on then' someone is obviously excited for this. it makes my heart fill with joy at how much zona loves mads, my perfect happy family.

madison's pov

when i head downstairs, mum and zona are chatting in the kitchen. arizona looks weirdly happy when i walk in and mum asks if we can have a chat. it makes me very suspicious. at first i'm worried that i'm in trouble, but then i don't know what i would be in trouble for. my mind is racing with thoughts and i think mum can tell because she looks at me with reassuring eyes. it doesn't calm me down very much though.

we sit down on the sofa and arizona grabs my hand. what is going on?

'so mads, mils and i, well mostly me, was wondering where we stand at the moment. obviously you called me your parent the other day but i'm not sure whether that means i'm kinda your mum or like how-'

i interrupt her by saying: 'arizona, to be honest, you've been like my second mum for ages and we all know it. you treat me like your daughter and i love you so so so much. i know you love me too and so i think what you're saying is that you want it to be official that you're my mum?'

'yes, a thousand times yes' she replies, a cheesy smile spreading across her face.

'then it's official. i love you mama.' i squeeze her hand and she pulls me into the tightest hug. she kisses my head multiple times before mum has to intervene before arizona accidentally crushes me.

'zona' mum laughs, 'calm down just a little bit. we all laugh before settling down on the sofa to just snuggle a little bit. i'm so glad mum took me in because it means i finally have the kind of family i've always dreamed of. this is my perfect family.

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