chapter 14

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madison's POV

i had been thinking about this day for a while. i want to talk to amelia about this, and i want it to happen, i just don't know how i would bring it up. i have often come quite close to just saying it rather than talking to her about it first. i guess i don't want amelia to disapprove of it. i don't want to offend her by calling her mum. i think about everything for a little longer and come up with a plan.

amelia had gone to work so i had time to prepare. i want to make her dinner and then tell her. hopefully she will at least be happy with the dinner i make. her shift ends at 6:45pm so she should be home by 7pm which gives me plenty of time to prepare.

after doing a lot of research, i decide to make spaghetti bolognaise. i know it will be hard, but i want to impress her so that she is in a good mood before the big chat. i find a recipe online and begin making it.

it takes almost 2 hours but now the spag bol was prepared, the table was set, and i had prepared what i was going to say. perfectly timed, i hear amelia's keys in the door. i run towards the door to greet her.

"hello, how was your day?" i say, cheerfully.

"it was good, why are you happy?" she asks

"no reason, how hungry are you?" i ask, trying to be as subtle as possible

"i'm starving, i was planning on reheating the pizza from yesterday for dinner if that's okay?"

"that would be fine, however that isn't what we are having" amelia has a confused expression. "follow me" i say. i suddenly get very nervous. hopefully she likes it.

amelia's POV

madison was acting very suspiciously this evening. i can't tell whether she has done something really bad or really good, but i am hoping for the better option.

"follow me" she says. we walk into the kitchen and i am shocked. she has set the table, made dinner, and somehow knows that spag bol is my favourite meal.

"wow, madison, this is so cute" i haven't had a proper nice meal in weeks, i am so excited. however, i am still suspicious about why she has done all of this, like is she trying to make up for doing something really bad, or is she just trying to be nice?

we sit down at the table and just talk casually until we have finished eating. madison takes all the plates and bowls to the kitchen and begins washing up.

"let me do that, you made dinner." i protest

"no, you always make me dinner and wash up, it's my turn today." madison says. i still try to dry the dishes even though madison keeps telling me to go away. eventually, she gives up and allows me to dry the last 4 plates.

after madison finishes in the kitchen, she joins me in the living room and is very quite for a while.

"is everything okay?" i ask her.

"um, yeah, everything is fine i guess"

"madison, i can tell something is wrong. please talk to me"

"nothing is wrong, i promise." i leave it at that, even though i know she is lying to me. "amelia, there is something i want to talk about" she finally says

"okay, you can tell me anything" i try to say comfortingly

"well, i have been thinking. what would you think if i called you mum one day? obviously not right away, i mean it has only been like 3 weeks, but you have been more of a mother to me than my real mum ever was. i love you so much amelia and to be able to have you as my new mum would make me the luckiest person in the world. if you don't want this that is perfectly okay, i have no expectation of you saying yes, to be honest i have been kind of expecting you to say no. you have done everything and more for me and i don't want to be a pain and stay here forever. i am just ruining your life and i should probably leave soon because i have been here for a while now and you don't deserve to deal with what i have put you through. i will start packing up my stuff tomorrow and move out as soon as possible."

"madison, shut up." i interrupt her. thoughts were racing through my head. "i love you, with all my heart. i never even want you to leave, and i truly mean that. you have been the best thing that has happened to me recently and i can't believe i have found you. i never really wanted children, but you have changed that. i love having you as my sort of child and so whenever you feel ready, call me mum. don't ever think that you are not good enough, or you don't deserve to stay here, because you do. we have made each other's lives better and i don't think you will ever understand what you have done for me. so thank you." i smile hoping she properly listened to every word i said.

"but amelia" madison started

"no buts, you are staying here forever whether you like it or not. i love you and i need to know that you're okay. understood?"

"i love you" she said looking towards me. i grab her and pull her in for a hug. I cannot believe how much madison has changed my life.

madison's POV

i am so glad that amelia liked the idea. i mean, i don't really know when i will actually call her mum, but i know it is going to happen soon. amelia has done so much for me these past couple weeks and i cannot believe that she is allowing me to call her mum. she said that she never wanted kids, so i'm not sure why she brought me back home with her. i am happy she did though becuase i have no idea where i would be now if she hadn't.

amelia and i snuggle up on the sofa and begin watching TV. i fall asleep in amelia's arms, the place that never fails to make me feel safe.

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