chapter 28

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amelia's POV

i had been thinking about this for a while and i was waiting for the right time to talk to mads about it. i really want zona to move in with us but i'm not sure what mads would think. she spends a lot of time here, and a lot of her stuff is here. to be honest, i don't really know the last time she slept at her own house. i really enjoying having her here and i think mads does too. hopefully she will agree to it. i open the door to her bedroom and walk in.

"i have something important to suggest to you. remember it is just an idea okay."

"mum you're making me scared what is it? is it about arizona?" she asks

"yes it is." before i can say anything else she interrupts me.

"is she going to move in? please tell me she's going to move in." mads pleads.

"well that was a lot easier than i thought, i haven't actually asked her yet."

"can i help ask? i know it's something you should ask but i really want to, please mum?" wow i was not really expecting mads to be so on board with this. it's a good thing though.

"yes, only if i'm actually there though"

"of course of course. ahh i'm so excited. we're doing it today, if that's okay?" i nod at her and pull her in for a hug. i love her so much and she is just incredible.

madison's POV

i am over the moon about arizona possibly moving in. i mean she pretty much already lives here anyway but this just makes it official. i feel bad for kinda taking mum's thing but i know how to ask her. mum has gone out to get keys cut for her because we are expecting her to say yes, and even if she doesn't she can have a set of keys anyway just because she can.

in the evening, mum makes arizona's favourite meal and then while she is cleaning up arizona and i begin watching a movie on the sofa. i slowly shuffle closer to her and eventually she opens her arms so i can snuggle in. we've never sat like this before, but it is really nice to be held in her arms. it just feels safe and comforting. when mum walks in, i begin talking.

"arizona, why do you have so much stuff here?" i start off my plan, and hope that she will answer the way i want her too.

"because i spend a lot of time here i guess. is it in the way?" she asks

"no no, absolutely not. i think you should spend more time here."

"well, maybe that's something you should discuss with your mother, regardless, i spend most of my time here. i barely ever go home" she looks towards amelia who gives her a small smile.

"you know you can be here as often as you like." mum says to her.

"i don't think you should ever go to you house, i think you should stay here, forever."

"what do you mean?" arizona looks down at me confused

"i think you should move in" arizona smiles at the idea, but quickly dismisses it and whispers to me, although not very well.

"i would love to move in, but i think amelia should have at least a small say in the decision."

"you are the worst whisperer i've ever met, but i've already spoken to her" i whisper back. i give mum a look, well more of a sign really.

"arizona, will you move in with us?" mum asks while holding the keys in her hand. arizona looks between the two of us smiling widely before replying.

"yes, i would love to." she squeezes me tightly around the waist.

amelia's POV

i lean down to kiss arizona and she pulls me down onto the sofa on the other side of her. we have a group hug and finish watching the movie. eventually mads heads off to bed and it's only arizona and i downstairs.

"thank you amelia" she smiles at me and kisses me on the cheek. i turn my head and kiss her back passionately. i push her down the sofa so that she is now underneath me. we continue like this before taking each others clothes off and enjoying each others company.

over the next few days zona begins moving her stuff in. even though mads is at school most of the day and zona and i have work, between the 3 of us someone is always home to organise things. i am surprised at how much mads has been doing to be honest because she isn't usually the most helpful. i guess it's a good sign that she likes arizona though because if she didn't i think we would have quite a difficult situation.

once she is all moved in and everything has settled, we realise that nothing has changed that much. zona used to be here all the time anyway, so now she just doesn't have to bring loads of things with her whenever she stays the night. it's also nice having her in bed with me every single night just to cuddle up to. the last proper relationship i had was with ryan, and that was a very long time ago. i've missed all the small things about being in a relationship, like the cuddles and kisses and just loving actions. i'm just so grateful to have it all again, especially with arizona, i just feel so lucky to have met someone like her.

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