chapter 42

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a/n: you might want to go and re-read the previous chapter just to remind yourselves of what happened. i'm so sorry that i haven't posted in like a month, it wasn't my intention but i've had mocks (exams) and been struggling more mentally recently so i just needed to take a break. i hope that's okay with all of you. thank you so so so much for 7k reads i actually can't believe my story has made it this far <3 anywaysss, enjoy :)

madison's POV

after everything that has just happened, i decide that i am ready to tell mum. maybe not zona yet, but i know she'll find out soon enough. i trust zona and i love her nearly as much as mum but i don't really know how to tell her. i haven't exactly known her for the longest time but she literally is one of my favourite people ever and i can't believe how lucky i am that my mum is dating her. 

i look at my phone and notice that mum has texted me.

mum <3: where are you? are you ready to come home? 

i quickly call her and tell her to come and pick me up outside the hospital. she replies instantly and says she's on her way so i quickly say goodbye to eden, give her a kiss on the cheek and promise to text her when i get home. i see mum and speed walk up to her as we get in the car. i am so stressed about telling mum about everything but i know i need to and i know she isn't going to be mad at me or anything. at least i hope. 

'mads, please can you tell me what's going on? you were in the same state this morning and i assumed you would talk to jo about it seeing as you wouldn't talk to me but it doesn't look like you have so please tell me. i don't like seeing you this stressed.' mum bursts out. 

'i'm sorry. i did talk to jo about it but now i need to talk to you. i was going to wait until we got home but i might as well tell you now i guess' i pause not knowing how to get it out. 'i-i'm' stress overwhelms me and so i quickly force it out. 'i'm bi.' i look up at mum quickly for approval and i can see that she is just smiling. that's a good start i guess.

amelia's POV

i can't believe it. well i kinda already knew seeing as i saw her kissing that girl 10 minutes ago but it makes me quite excited that she trusts me enough to tell me that. 

'mads, why were you so stressed to tell me that?' i laugh. 'what were you expecting me to say, something like i'm going to kick you out of my house, put you through all that again? i'm literally gay myself. of course i accept you and love you and i'm proud of you. this changes absolutely nothing. i promise.' i smile at her to make sure she knows that i'm telling the truth.

'i don't know' we both laugh. 'thank you though. i have something else to tell you as well...' i think i know what is coming next but i wait for her to announce it. 'i may or may not have a girlfriend...' she says. 

'when do i get to meet her?' i say excitedly. all i want is for my baby to be happy and i want to make sure she is safe with this girl. i'm sure she is because i trust mads but i want to make sure she gets what she deserves. 

'soon, i think. i want you to meet her. she's called eden and she is honestly perfect. i think you'll really like her.' i watch the way mads smiles while talking about her, i can tell she really likes her. it's nice to see her so excited and happy about something. 

we sit in comfortable silence until we get home, which was only around 5 minutes. we walk through the door and i turn around to look at mads. 

'what?' she questions. i walk up to her and wrap my arms around her. i don't think she will have ever experienced a tighter hug but i sure liked it. 

'i love you. so much' i whisper in her ear before i release her and she walks off to the lounge. sometimes i forget how lucky i am to have a daughter like mads. she really is the best. 

arizona's POV

today has been a long day and i am so ready to go home. i walk through the door and see my two favourite girls snuggled up together on the sofa. 

'any room for me?' i ask, terrifying them. mads moves over more towards mils and i snuggle in next to her. she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly. she briefly looks at mils and mouths something to her which confuses me, but i brush it off until mads says something. 

'arizona, i'm bi, and i have a girlfriend. i just thought i should let you know.' she blurts out. i move her off me slightly and look her directly in the eyes. 

'i love you' i say before pulling her back down next to me and giving her a huge hug. i honestly cannot believe it but it explains who mils saw her kissing earlier. i assume her relationship is relatively serious seeing as they were kissing outside the hospital where anyone could have seen them. 

we stay snuggled up on the sofa for a while before mads heads off to bed and mils and i are left downstairs. 

'i'm really proud of her' mils says looking at me. 'i love how perfect she is and just...i love her so incredibly much it's overwhelming.' she smiles thinking about it.

'me too, i never thought i would want kids but mads makes me think otherwise.' i reply

'do you see mads as your own kid?' she asks curiously. i think about the question for a moment not knowing how to answer. i guess i do really because i live with her and all i want to do is protect her. 

'i think i do mils. i feel like a mother to her really.' i smile at her thinking about it all and snuggle up with her while we watch a movie. 

'she's our baby zona. ours'

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