chapter 3

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amelia's POV

madison is currently sitting in the living room on her phone. i had thought about it all evening and i decided to call maggie and meredith this morning. they were probably wondering why i didn't turn up at the hospital yesterday, or why i wouldn't be there today. i pick up the phone and they answer straight away.

"hey guys" i say

"amelia what happened? why were you not at work? bailey is not very happy." meredith asks

"i took a personal day, and i did something. it's not bad, i just don't know what you will think about it."

"come on amelia, just tell us" maggie says

"okay so...yesterday i was walking to work, and i went through the park and there was this teenage girl sat on a park bench. long story short, she is now in my living room and has been here since about 7am yesterday morning."

"AMELIA, do you even know anything about this girl? what made you think it was a good idea to take her in?" maggie asks shocked

"i will admit, i don't know much. however, i know her name is madison and her parents kicked her out and she would be homeless without me. i don't exactly know how old she is, but i would guess around 14/15 maybe 16. "

"well i guess you can't really kick her out again, but you have kind of ruined your life a bit if you are planning on having her stay forever." meredith says sympathetically

"i have not ruined my life." i say. i know i haven't. i can make this work with madison if she is going to stay forever.

"well it's not like she will be your daughter amelia" meredith says. i stay quiet, maybe i want her to be like my daughter. i've always wanted a child. christopher should be here with me, i was supposed to have a child. suddenly, i hear the door shut. madison must have left.

"amelia....amelia is everyting okay?" maggie asks

"yes, yes it's fine. i need to go. bye" i hang up and search the house for madison.

madison's POV

i was lying on amelia's sofa, just thinking about what had happened yesterday. she looks after me so well, and i really want to stay, but i know that isn't fair on amelia. i can't just stay, she has her own life too. she is on the phone to someone and she keeps coming closer to the living room every now and then. i can hear small bits of her conversation. i'm not trying to eavesdrop, but i can't help picking up small things.

"ruined my life" was the last thing i heard. that confirms it for me. amelia does not want me here and i have to leave. i run upstairs to grab all the stuff i have, which really was not very much.

i gather everything in about 10 minutes and sneak downstairs. amelia is still on the phone and this is my perfect opportunity to escape. i shuffle towards the front door and open it as quietly as possible. i pull it shut, but it makes more of a noise than i thought it would. i run away from the house towards the nearest shop. i want to buy some supplies as i don't know how long i will be outside for. i want to go and live with josh but i don't think his parents would ever allow that. if amelia came to look for me, one of the obvious places would be the shop so instead i decide to go to the forest. at least there is much more space to hide there.

i make it to the forest safely and go as far in as possible. i eventually sit down on my coat and start to think about what i had done. i wonder if amelia was glad that i had left her house. she is no longer obliged to take care of me so i think she will be happy.

amelia's POV

i run around the house, looking everywhere for madison. i heard the door slam but i am really hoping that it was not her leaving. i pray that she is still here, but after 3 searches of the house i still could not find her. maybe she doesn't like it here. i guess she doesn't like me as much as a like her. i collapse to the floor in floods of tears. i try to stop crying but nothing is working. i want to know why she left, why she didn't tell me where she was going. maybe she is planning on coming home? maybe she is just out on the streets, scared and lonely? i have to go find her. i call meredith hoping she will help.

"hey meredith" i say when she picks up the call instantly.

"amelia are you okay? you sound like you're crying" meredith says

"because i am. sh-she left, she left me. she's gone" i begin to cry more.

"don't cry okay! we will find her. where could she have gone?"

"she was on the bench in the park when i first met her. maybe she is somewhere around there?" i manage to get out between tears.

"amelia, please stop worrying. maggie and i are coming and we will not stop looking until we find her. we will see you soon!"

"thank you so much. tell maggie i say thanks" i say slowly calming myself down. i am glad that my sisters are willing to help me.

soon enough, they arrive and we begin driving around the town.

author's note:
i will be on holiday for the next week so updates may be slow. i'm really sorry but i hope you are all enjoying the story and thank you for all the support!!

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